Cozy mysteries, often referred to as “cozies,” are a gentle subgenre of crime fiction or more hardened mysteries. The stories are often set in small communities and feature unlikely amateur detectives like letter carriers, inn keepers, teachers or librarians. Explicit sexuality and graphic violence take place offstage and any profanity is mild. If you like cozy mysteries you can browse a wide variety of titles in our catalog, or take a look at these tips and tricks to make your next selection!
1. Borrow e-books or downloadable audiobooks.
Use a mystery list from OverDrive to find e-books and downloadable audiobooks. If you have never borrowed from OverDrive before, both app directions and browser directions are available as well as a video tutorial and Overdrive Support.
Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.
2. Get reading recommendations from IndyPL staff.

Click on a featured booklist to get cozy mystery reading recommendations. See also our If You Like Mysteries recommendations. You might also try for a one stop shop for all matters cozy. It provides recommendations, booklists, and announcements of upcoming entries in all your favorite series.
3. Use your Library card to login to Novelist Plus to find more cozy mysteries.
On Novelist Plus you’ll find cozy mystery reading recommendations, read-alikes, series lists, and reviews. Once you login, choose the “Mystery” category from the list on the left and then choose “Getting Cozy.” Click on a book to read a brief description, see a star rating, or click “Check Availability” to see if the book is available to borrow.
4. Subscribe to the cozy mystery newsletter from NextReads.

Subscribe to NextReads to receive cozy mystery reading recommendation in your inbox monthly. Book suggestions are linked to our catalog for easy requesting. It’s FREE! See a sample issue. Subscribe to NextReads here!
5. Make a Selection from these cozy mystery authors.
Ellery Adams
Esme Addison
Susan Wittig Albert
Ellie Alexander
Donna Andrews
Nancy Atherton
Stephanie Barron
M.C. Beaton
Jessica Beck
Laurien Berenson
Laura Bradford
Lilian Jackson Braun
Emily Brightwell
Rita Mae Brown
Julia Buckley
V.M. (Valerie) Burns
Lynn Cahoon
Dorothy Cannell
Kate Carlisle
Laurie Cass
Bailey Cates
Vivien Chien
Find a book discussion near you!
You are invited to join in one of our many in-person or online book discussions that take place several times each month. In our book discussion groups we read and talk about both fiction and non-fiction books. We express our opinions (both likes and dislikes!) with other avid readers in the city.
- Event: Adult Book Discussion at West Indianapolis
- Date & Time: Monday, March 10, 5:00pm
- Location: West Indianapolis Branch
- Description: We will be discussing “A Girl Named Zippy” by Haven Kimmel. Copies of this month’s book can be picked up from the West Indianapolis Branch. Adults are invited to this free monthly book discussion program. We meet on the second Monday of the month.
- No Registration Required.
- Event: Rainbow Reads Book Club
- Date & Time: Tuesday, March 11, 6:00pm
- Location: Beech Grove Branch
- Description: Highlighting LGBTQ+ authors and stories, Rainbow Reads Book Club provides a safe and inclusive space to gather and discuss books.
- Register Here
- Event: Adult Book Discussion at Fort Ben
- Date & Time: Tuesday, March 11, 6:30pm
- Location: Fort Ben Branch
- Description: We will be discussing “The Teacher” by Freida McFadden. Adults are invited to this monthly book discussion and new members always welcome!
- No Registration Required.