Reading Recommendations

If You Like Historical Fiction

collage of historical fiction book covers including "Sacrificio," "Lavender House," "Siren Queen," "The Rib King," and more.

If you enjoy reading about characters living in a different time or navigating real historical events, here are some tips to help you find your next historical fiction read! Browse award winners, get recommendations from our staff, or make a selection from our list of historical fiction authors linked directly to our catalog, so you can conveniently place holds and check item availability. You might also find reading suggestions at If You Like Historical Romance.

Find award winners.

Awards for Young Adult and Children’s Historical Fiction:

Get reading recommendations from our staff.

Staff Picks 2024 – Best of Historical Fiction

Here are a few of our staff members’ favorite historical fiction selections of 2024– covering a span of hundreds of years. Read a trippy reimagining of Montezuma and Cortez’s meeting, see how an 18th century midwife handles being on trial for murder, or experience Huckleberry Finn from the point of view of James, the enslaved man at the center of the narrative. Looking for epic narratives that deal with the present as well as history? Take a peek at our Best of Fiction list.

New this year: we’ve included some recommendations at the bottom of the list that were our favorite reads from previous years. Hopefully, these will have a shorter hold list for you!

Title - JamesTitle - The WomenTitle - You Dreamed of EmpiresTitle - The Frozen RiverTitle - The Underground LibraryTitle - Freedom Is A FeastTitle - The Lion Women of TehranTitle - The Briar Club



Use your library card to access NoveList Plus.

Find reading recommendations, read-alikes, reviews, and lists of award-winning books on the book database NoveList Plus, which is free to access with your library card!

On the left side of the NoveList homepage, select “Historical Fiction” to view lists of recommended reads. Or, select “Browse By” at the top of the site and choose “Genre,” then select “historical fiction” from the drop-down menu to browse new and popular picks.

When viewing a title in NoveList Plus, you can read a brief description of the book and see reviews. Click “Check availability” to see if the book is available to borrow.

Subscribe to the historical fiction newsletter from NextReads.

Receive a monthly list of historical fiction books in your email. Listed books are linked to the Indianapolis Public Library catalog, so it’s easy to place a hold on anything that catches your eye. See a sample issue of the historical fiction list or sign up for NextReads newsletters.

Make a selection from one of these historical fiction authors.

Upcoming Author Talks & Book Discussions

  • Event: WitLITS Book Discussion Group
  • Date & Time: Friday, March 28, 10:30am
  • Location: Spades Park Branch
  • Description: A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading. Do you like classic American Literature? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS where our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up.
  • No Registration Required.
  • Event: Ad Astra
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 31, 6:00pm
  • Location: Central Library
  • Description: Embark on interstellar journeys of imagination with Ad Astra, Central Library’s scifi book group. Our March title is “Leviathan Wakes” by James S.A. Corey.
  • No Registration Required.
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Wordsmith and Wonder
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, April 02, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: Step into Spring with us as we chat with the highly acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult about her newest novel, “By Any Other Name.”
  • Register Here
  • Event: Adult Book Discussion at Warren
  • Date & Time: Thursday, April 03, 10:30am
  • Location: Warren Branch
  • Description: We will be discussing the book “Rough Sleepers” by Tracy Kidder. Adults of all ages are invited to attend. New members are always welcome! Books are available for checkout at the Warren Circulation Desk.
  • Register Here

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Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.