Early Learning

Passover Storytime Online

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Passover is an eight day festival that commemorates the freeing of Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. During Passover, families retell the Passover story and eat symbolic food from a Passover Seder plate. To learn more about the Seder plate, watch this video prepared especially for kids by the PJ Library, an organization that helps children learn about the Jewish experience through storytelling and other educational materials. Then read on for more Passover storytime online!

Our featured video read aloud story about Passover is called Welcoming Elijah a Passover Tale With a Tail by Lesléa Newman, winner of the Sydney Taylor Book Award in 2021 for excellence in Jewish children’s literature. When the story opens a family has begun their Passover Seder and have gathered around their dinner table. While they prepare to welcome Elijah indoors, a hungry stray kitten waits outside in the cold.

The story is read aloud by the author. In the opening minutes she explains all the special foods that are eaten during Passover from the Seder plate. She begins reading the story at the five minute mark.


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • Can you name one of the foods that is put on the seder plate?
  • What did the family dip in salt water?
  • Whose cup is on the table?
  • Why does the boy open the door? What is waiting when the door is opened?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Passover at any of our locations, or check out Passover e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Passover video read aloud stories right now! It’s Passover storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - The Passover Guesttitle - Welcoming Elijah

Passover Books for Children to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - Passover for ChildrenThe Jewish holiday Passover centers around the Seder, a ritual meal at which the family gathers to retell the biblical story of how, in ancient times, the Jewish people escaped slavery in Egypt. This list includes fiction and non-fiction books and online information for children to learn about the meaning of the holiday and the symbolic, but fun Seder meal.


Learn the words to this silly classic Passover song featuring Jason Mesches. Listen to more Passover songs like it here.


Find some crayons or markers to draw the foods you might find on a Seder plate, or draw a scene from the Passover story.


Here are some ideas for making Passover crafts and projects for kids. From the Jewish Children’s Museum of New York try making your own Afikoman bag, craft a beautiful Elijah cup, or try the printable card game: Who Knows About Passover?

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