When it comes to researching business topics or events, the Indianapolis Public Library has plenty of resources to help you find the information you need. Whether you are researching industry price fluctuations for an academic paper or learning how to use SWOT analysis for your business plan, you can access thousands of magazines, journals, reports and studies. The Library offers patrons three ways to electronically access business periodicals:
- the OverDrive Libby app which allow you to read e-magazines on your device(s)
- the OverDrive website where you can read business and financial e-magazines on your computer’s browser, and
- online databases which are accessible through the Library’s website
Each option is described below.
Downloadable Business Periodicals:
The Indianapolis Public Library subscribes to many magazines in digital, downloadable e-book format. Borrow and download as many digital issues as you like! Business titles include:
- Kiplinger’s
- The Economist
- Entrepreneur
- Home Business magazine
- MIT Sloan Management Review
- Money Magazine
- Inc.
- Fast Company
- Adweek
Read business and financial e-magazines on your computer’s desktop, click here. Use the Libby app and read e-magazines on your device(s), download the OverDrive Libby app here.
See the full list of digital magazines available to borrow, click here.
Use an online database provided by the Indianapolis Public Library, go to the Library’s Research page. Scroll down to the section labeled “Filter Resources by Category” and click on either “Business & Nonprofit” or “Magazines & Newspapers” as shown in the screenshot below underlined in red.

Click on the database of your choice. Note you will be prompted to enter your IndyPL library card number to access a database.
Business Journal Databases:
Academic Search Premier
This multidisciplinary database provides academic subject coverage in social sciences, humanities, general science, and education.
Business Source Complete
Scholarly journals and business magazines covering management, finance, economics, accounting, and international business.
Entrepreneurial Studies Source
Business journals, reference books, case studies, and company profiles for researchers in entrepreneurship and small business.
Newspaper Source Plus
Full text selections from over 180 regional U.S. newspapers, international newspapers, newswires, newspaper columns, and other sources. Updated daily.
Regional Business News
Business news stories updated daily from all regions of the world. This database includes the Indianapolis Business Journal. To see the list of all available publications within this database, click on “Publications” in the top left corner of the landing page for “Regional Business News,” as shown in the screenshot below.

Small Business Reference Center
Contains consumer and small business reference books, business videos, and information on how to create business plans.
Print Periodicals:
The Indianapolis Public Library has a great number of business periodicals in multiple formats. Print-based periodicals are available with up to three previous years’ issues available in sturdy magazine file boxes directly behind the display shelves. For the more popular magazines, many years of previous issues are also available as hardbound volumes.
At Central Library, all current print magazines can be found on the 3rd floor in the DVD/CD/Periodicals room. Print magazines must be used on-site and cannot be borrowed from the Library.
Business magazines currently available in print include:
- Ad Age
- Barron’s
- Bloomberg BusinessWeek
- Entrepreneur
- The Economist
- Fast Company
- Harvard Business Review
- Inc.
- Wired
Our business librarians are available to assist with your questions. Please contact us at 317-275-4100.