Early Learning

Valentine’s Day Storytime Online


Snuggle up with your favorite little Valentine and enjoy the story Welcome to the Party, a love letter welcoming a child into the family and into the party of life. This Valentine for small children is read aloud by the book’s author, Gabriella Union. Listed below are more favorite Valentine video read alouds, some @home activities and a list of Valentine favorites about love and Valentine’s Day you can check out with your indyPL library card. We love books and we love sharing them with you! Enjoy Valentine’s Day storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • Why is there a party happening?
  • Who is the guest of honor?
  • Do you like to snuggle? Who do you snuggle with?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Valentine’s Day at any of our locations, or check out Valentine’s Day e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Valentine’s Day video read aloud stories right now! It’s Valentine’s Day storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Hair Lovetitle - Here Comes Valentine Cattitle - How Do Lions Say I Love You?title - I'm Going to Give You A Bear Hug!title - Lovetitle - Love Is My Favorite Thingtitle - Love Makes A Familytitle - Love You, Hug You, Read to You!title - Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatchtitle - Welcome to the Partytitle - With Lots of Lovetitle - You're All My Favorites

Valentine Picture Books to Share with your Favorite Little Crush

Snuggle up and read every day but especially on Valentine’s Day! Here are some sweet picture books with a lot of heart, the biggest “awwww”, and love.

Title - Eleven Words for LoveTitle - All the Beating HeartsTitle - A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Perfect ValentineTitle - If You Were My Valentine


Sing your heart out to ‘Buddy Like You’ with PAW Patrol!


Grab your favorite Valentine and take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.