Early Learning

Christmas Storytime Online

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A long, cold December night is a great time to share favorite Christmas stories! There are many holiday classics to choose from to get your family into the holiday spirit. You can listen to a video read aloud of the favorite, Llama Llama Holiday Drama, by Anna Dewdney, right now! More free video read alouds are listed below along with printable activities and Christmas favorites you can check out with your IndyPL library card. It’s Christmas storytime online! Have a wonderful holiday!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What does your family like to do during the holidays? Which thing is your favorite?
  • Does the llama on the cover look happy? Sad? Worried?
  • Have you ever had to wait a long time for something you were excited about? Was it hard to wait? Were there any things that you did to help pass the time?
  • Would you rather go to a quiet holiday event or a noisy and crowded holiday event?
  • Why is llama happy at the end of the story?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Christmas at any of our locations, or cheeck out Christmas e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device. If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Christmas video read aloud stories right now! It’s Christmas storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Charlie and the Christmas Kittytitle - A Christmas Wish for Corduroytitle - Clark the Shark Loves Christmastitle - Goodnight, Mangertitle - Ho Ho Homeworktitle - How the Grinch Stole Christmastitle - Llama Llama Holiday Dramatitle - Memoirs of An Elftitle - Merry Christmas From the Very Hungry Caterpillartitle - Merry Christmas, Mr. Mousetitle - The Nutcracker in Harlemtitle - Merry Christmas, Splattitle - Peppermint Posttitle - Merry Pinkmas!title - There's An Elf in your Booktitle - When Santa Came to Stay

Favorite, Classic & New Christmas Stories for Kids

List Cover Images - Favorite, Classic & New Christmas Stories for KidsThere are many holiday favorites to get your family in the holiday spirit from illustrated versions of the Bible to stories about family traditions to the silly antics of favorite book characters celebrating the holiday in their own unique way. Can Bad Kitty even get on Santa’s nice list? There are 25+ in all. That oughta last ya!


Sing along with Abby, Elmo, a horse, and even some snowballs!


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Instead of “Simon Says” play “Santa Says.” Practice the names of body parts and left and right.

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Glendale – Babies
  • Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 10:30am
  • Location: Glendale Branch
  • Description: Babies up to 24 months and an adult are invited for stories, songs, fingerplays, and fun! Each session is followed by playtime with special toys designed just for babies.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.