Dr. Seuss characters and their stories have consistently been storytime favorites for kids all over the world. Snuggle up and listen to this video reading of the Seuss classic, The Lorax, read by Miss Linda from Brightly Storytime.  The Lorax is a timely fable about what happens when greed overtakes respect for nature. Several more stories you can enjoy online follow, it’s Dr. Seuss Online Storytime!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • Who does the Lorax say he speak for? “I speak for …”
  • What were some of the animals that lived in the Truffula tree forest?
  • Do you remember what the Once-ler make with the Truffula tufts?
  • Picture in your mind a place you know that has trees, like your school’s playground, or a park, or your backyard. What would it look like if all the trees were cut down? What would you miss if the trees were gone?
  • What problems did the thneed factory cause?
  • What does the Once-ler give at the end of the story? Why did he give it?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out Dr. Seuss books at any of our locations, or check out Dr. Seuss e-books and audiobooks from Overdrive Kids right to your device. If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use e-books and learn how to use audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Dr. Seuss video read aloud stories right now! It’s Dr. Seuss storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Dr. Seuss's ABCtitle - The Cat in the Hattitle - Blank Entrytitle - Dr. Seuss's Spooky Thingstitle - Hop on Poptitle - Horton Hears A Who!title - How the Grinch Stole Christmastitle - The Loraxtitle - Oh, the Places You'll Go!title - One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fishtitle - Yertle The Turtle, And Other Stories

A Dozen Classics for a Dr. Seuss Rainy Day (or any day!) Marathon

“The sun did not shine, it was too wet to play, so we sat in the house all that cold, cold wet day.” Turn those frowns upside down with one of these sure winners from the king of zany rhyming. Available as e-books and e-audiobooks.

Title - The Cat in the HatTitle - Green Eggs and HamTitle - Happy Birthday to You!Title - Horton Hatches the Egg


Enjoy this sing along from Seussville’s YouTube channel. Is your tongue quick? Is your tongue slick? Now here’s as easy game to play, here’s an easy thing to say! Can you do it?


Find a pencil or pen, some crayons or markers to color a school picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. You can even skip or gallop! Or plan a Dr. Seuss Field Day with outdoor sports, activities, and games straight out of Dr. Seuss’s books!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Glendale – Babies
  • Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 10:30am
  • Location: Glendale Branch
  • Description: Babies up to 24 months and an adult are invited for stories, songs, fingerplays, and fun! Each session is followed by playtime with special toys designed just for babies.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Meet Pete, he’s one cool cat! Pete plays baseball, scuba dives, and loves rocking on his guitar. This groovy feline also dresses well! Who wouldn’t want to borrow Pete’s tennis shoes or magic sunglasses?

You can listen to the video read aloud Pete the Cat and the New Guy right now! Watch the story below and then take a look at the fun activities and links to more books you can check out with your IndyPL Library card!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • How did the new guy feel at the beginning of the story?
  • Can you describe how Pete feels about meeting the new guy?
  • What does Pete do to help Gus feel included?
  • Name two things you could do to help a new friend feel included.
  • Do you think you can be friends with people who like different things than you do?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out Pete the Cat books at any of our locations, or check out Pete the Cat e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use e-books and learn how to use audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more alphabet video read aloud stories right now! It’s alphabet storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttonstitle - Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglassestitle - Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakestitle - Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party

Pete the Cat Books to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - If You Like Pete the CatHere is a selection of books for kids featuring personality plus cats (and one dog!) just as cool and groovy as Pete! “If you want to be cool, just be you!” ~ Pete


Get groovy and sing along with Pete!


Find some crayons or makers to color a picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Try skipping! Or gallop! See if you can do Pete’s Cool Cat Boogie Dance Along!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Glendale – Babies
  • Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 10:30am
  • Location: Glendale Branch
  • Description: Babies up to 24 months and an adult are invited for stories, songs, fingerplays, and fun! Each session is followed by playtime with special toys designed just for babies.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

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Children Ages 0 to 5 Vote!

Every child in Indiana, aged 0-5, may vote one time for the Indiana
Early Literacy Firefly Award. Children will need the help of a parent,
a librarian, a teacher, or other caregiver adult to circle one of the
titles. Ask the child to point to their favorite. Once their vote is
circled, turn this ballot in to your local Public Library or voting
location. Libraries will then email their totals to the Indiana Center
for the Book. The last day to report votes is July 31, 2024. Print the ballot.

Add to the fun with activities prepared by Indiana Center for the Book and the Indiana State Library as well as this Indiana Early Literacy Firefly Award activity sheet.

Research shows that reading aloud to young children can significantly improve their chance for success in kindergarten and beyond. You can also help kids enjoy books and stories by joining 1000 Books Before Kindergarten. Caregivers log books and receive incentives for reading outloud to kids. At 1000 books, every child receives a hardback picture book. Or check out a Bunny Book Bag, grab-and-go bag of 15-20 books for caregivers on the move. Are you in the mood from some stories right now? Enjoy online storytime at The Library!

Reading Ready is an Indianapolis Public Library early learning initiative that encourages the five practices that help children get ready to learn how to read: reading, singing, writing, talking, and playing.

Storytime with Dad is a great way to spend part of Father’s Day! Listen together to Hair Love, a story about a daddy daughter duo who work together to come up with the perfect hair style for a special day. They don’t know at first exactly which hair style will work, but as they try each one, they know which ones won’t! Follow along as they keep their cool and don’t get discouraged as they try and try again. You will also find below more free online read alouds, e-books, and online activities. It’s Father’s Day Storytime Online! Don’t miss our list of favorite books to check out for Father’s Day!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • Why was Zuri so excited about her day? Why was it important to her to have her hair done?
  • How would you have felt if you couldn’t get your hair ready for a special event?
  • Have you ever had a hard time combing your hair? How did you feel when you were struggling with it? Did you ask for help?
  • Why does Zuri look at her ipad?
  • What ae some of the things that Zuri and her dad did do to figure out how to style her hair?
  • How did Zuri feel when her mother saw what they had done.


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Father’s Day at any of our locations, or check out Father’s Day e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device. If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Father’s Day video read aloud stories right now! It’s Father’s Day storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - And Tango Makes Threetitle - Big Papa and the Time Machinetitle - Brick by Bricktitle - Blank Entrytitle - Hair Lovetitle - How to Cheer up Dadtitle - I [heart] Dad With the Very Hungry Caterpillartitle - Jabari Jumpstitle - You Made Me A Dadtitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entry

The Best Dads in Picture Books to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - The Best Dads in Picture BooksThey teach, play, protect, tease, feed, and adventure from dawn to dark. These picture book dads show how it’s done from sweet to ornery to laugh out loud! They are great fun for Father’s Day and every day!


Enjoy this sing along from Miss Linky. “Dads are special and they deserve some love on Father’s Day. Sing this song for your daddy and practice the moves to let your him know that he means the world to you!”


Find some crayons or makers to color a picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a walk with your dad and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames.

Find Ways to Play with Dad! searchable activities database from PBS Kids Results include printable activities, crafts made with things found around the house, online games, recipes, experiments, and more. You can search by age, favorite PBS kids show character, or by keyword.

Join Us for In-Person Storytime

  • Event: Storytime at Glendale – Babies
  • Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 10:30am
  • Location: Glendale Branch
  • Description: Babies up to 24 months and an adult are invited for stories, songs, fingerplays, and fun! Each session is followed by playtime with special toys designed just for babies.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

In Mommy’s Khimar, a young girl’s mother has a closet full of beautiful flowing scarves called khimars. A khimar is a veil or scarf worn in public by some Muslim women. The little girl in the story likes to play dress-up with her mom’s beautiful khimars. While dressed in them she uses her imagination to be a queen, a superhero, and her mom! She feels her mother’s love in each scarf as it covers her. You can listen to this story below read aloud by the author, Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow. Enjoy Mother’s Day storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • If you look at the page that shows mommy’s closet full of khimars, which one is your favorite?
  • Which khimar is the little girl’s favorite?
  • Do you like to play pretend? What kinds of things do you like to pretend to be?


Below are several more stories about amazing mothers. Each is a video read aloud, just click on a book cover to hear more Mother’s Day storytime online!

Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Mother’s Day at any of our locations, or check out e-books and audiobooks about Mother’s Day from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more video read aloud stories about Mother’s Day right now! It’s Mother’s Day storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Are You My Mother?title - Heather Has Two Mommiestitle - I've Loved You Since Forevertitle - Just Me and My Momtitle - Llama Llama Misses Mamatitle - Make Way for Ducklingstitle - Mama's Bellytitle - Mommy's Khimartitle - Owl Babiestitle - Soccer With Momtitle - Stelalunatitle - Welcome to the Partytitle - You're All My Favoritestitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entry

Books for Kids that Celebrate Amazing Mamas to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - Books for Kids that Celebrate Amazing MamasFrom poignant to laugh-out-loud these picture book tributes to all kind of moms leave no doubt as to the true definition of unconditional love – mamas themselves. Perfect stories for Mother’s Day and every day.


Enjoy this sing along from The Laurie Berkner Band. “Everyone knows there’s nothing quite like a hug from their mom. In this sweet and cheery tune, Laurie Berkner lets kids in on the secret that for all the mothers, mamas, mommies, and moms out there, there’s nothing quite like a hug from their children, either!”


Find some crayons or makers to color a picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames.

Try the Are You My Mother? online memory match game. Try it set to easy, medium, or hard. Find more fun activities and home made gift ideas on the IndyPL Pinterest Board full of Mother’s Day Ideas.

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Glendale – Babies
  • Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 10:30am
  • Location: Glendale Branch
  • Description: Babies up to 24 months and an adult are invited for stories, songs, fingerplays, and fun! Each session is followed by playtime with special toys designed just for babies.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

In, The Easter Egg, Hoppi’s friends and neighbors are all working on creating eggs for an Easter contest. Each friend he visits is making a different kind of egg. It is fun to see the different ways Hoppi’s friends are making eggs. Some are predictable like the egg made of chocolate, but others are surprising, like an egg made of wood and a mechanical egg that has moving parts. Hoppi wants to make an egg to enter in the contest, but he gets sidetracked by kindness and becomes an Easter hero instead…at least mama Robin thinks so! You can listen to Hoppi’s story right now! It’s Easter storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What color was the egg Hoppi found?
  • Where do you think the egg was before Hoppi found it?
  • What was your favorite part of Hoppi’s story? Why?
  • Would you want to help hide Easter eggs?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Easter at any of our locations, or check out Easter e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device. If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Easter video read aloud stories right now! It’s Easter storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Blank Entrytitle - The Easter Eggtitle - Eggtitle - The Fuzzy Ducklingtitle - The Golden Egg Booktitle - Hatch!title - Home for A Bunnytitle - It's Easter, Little Critter!title - Rechenka's Eggstitle - The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Easter Favorites for Kids to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - Easter Favorites for KidsEnjoy these e-book and audiobook favorites for kids that highlight Easter traditions from family dinners, reading a child’s version of the Easter story in the Bible, or attending Easter services to dyeing and hiding Easter eggs.


In this version of the traditional lullaby “Hush Little Baby” a father rabbit comforts his little baby bunny and keeps it safe. Listen to the music and sing along as the words appear on the screen. A tiny bunny hops along the words to help you with the rhythm. Based on the book Hush Little Bunny by David Ezra Stein.

Now singalong as Raffi sings “Five Little Ducks.” Would you like to make the sound of the mother duck? Raffi will sing “Mother duck says….” and you make the sound for him!


Find some crayons or markers to color an Easter picture, practice writing the letters in Easter words, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Here are six play ideas about rabbits from Kevin Henkes, the author of Little White Rabbit and Egg. Scroll to the section Moving, Making, and Playing for several ideas to get your little bunny jumping.

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Glendale – Babies
  • Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 10:30am
  • Location: Glendale Branch
  • Description: Babies up to 24 months and an adult are invited for stories, songs, fingerplays, and fun! Each session is followed by playtime with special toys designed just for babies.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Picture book read along stories play like a movie and are great for listening practice as well as really fun! You can stream picture book videos free with your IndyPL library card. Illustrations move as you watch the narrated stories. Video picture books are especially convenient for car trips. You can check out several at a time and play them multiple times while you have them checked out. They are perfect for “read it again!”

To stream these videos for kids you will need a Hoopla account. Hoopla is the service the Library uses to deliver these videos to you.

Get Started Streaming Picture Book Videos on Hoopla

Here are a few favorites to get you started, or see Hoopla’s complete list of picture book videos for kids.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

title - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entry

Passover is an eight day festival that commemorates the freeing of Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. During Passover, families retell the Passover story and eat symbolic food from a Passover Seder plate. To learn more about the Seder plate, watch this video prepared especially for kids by the PJ Library, an organization that helps children learn about the Jewish experience through storytelling and other educational materials. Then read on for more Passover storytime online!

Our featured video read aloud story about Passover is called Welcoming Elijah a Passover Tale With a Tail by Lesléa Newman, winner of the Sydney Taylor Book Award in 2021 for excellence in Jewish children’s literature. When the story opens a family has begun their Passover Seder and have gathered around their dinner table. While they prepare to welcome Elijah indoors, a hungry stray kitten waits outside in the cold.

The story is read aloud by the author. In the opening minutes she explains all the special foods that are eaten during Passover from the Seder plate. She begins reading the story at the five minute mark.


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • Can you name one of the foods that is put on the seder plate?
  • What did the family dip in salt water?
  • Whose cup is on the table?
  • Why does the boy open the door? What is waiting when the door is opened?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Passover at any of our locations, or check out Passover e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Passover video read aloud stories right now! It’s Passover storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - The Passover Guesttitle - Welcoming Elijah

Passover Books for Children to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - Passover for ChildrenThe Jewish holiday Passover centers around the Seder, a ritual meal at which the family gathers to retell the biblical story of how, in ancient times, the Jewish people escaped slavery in Egypt. This list includes fiction and non-fiction books and online information for children to learn about the meaning of the holiday and the symbolic, but fun Seder meal.


Learn the words to this silly classic Passover song featuring Jason Mesches. Listen to more Passover songs like it here.


Find some crayons or markers to draw the foods you might find on a Seder plate, or draw a scene from the Passover story.


Here are some ideas for making Passover crafts and projects for kids. From the Jewish Children’s Museum of New York try making your own Afikoman bag, craft a beautiful Elijah cup, or try the printable card game: Who Knows About Passover?

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Glendale – Babies
  • Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 10:30am
  • Location: Glendale Branch
  • Description: Babies up to 24 months and an adult are invited for stories, songs, fingerplays, and fun! Each session is followed by playtime with special toys designed just for babies.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

In Dylan the Villain, by K.G. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Snivels welcome home a new baby, but Dylan isn’t just any baby, he’s the best and the cleverest baby. Dylan is also a super villain! He has a scary costume and a maniacal laugh. When Dylan goes to school for the first time he meets Addison Van Malice. Addison’s costume is even scarier and her laugh is even more maniacal than his! When the teacher announces a robot contest, the competition between these two pint sized super villains really heats up. Listen along as Miss Linda from Brightly Storytime reads this laugh-out loud story of one-ups-manship with super-sized consequences – it’s superhero online storytime!


After reading the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What did Dylan and the other students need to build to enter the class contest?
  • What are some of the things Dylan built into his robot? What are some of the things Addison built into her robot?
  • What happened to Addison?
  • What happened to Dylan after he won the trophy?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about superheroes at any of our locations, or check out superhero e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more superhero video read aloud stories right now! It’s superhero storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Niño Wrestles the Worldtitle - Blank Entry

Books for Kids Who Love Superheroes to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - First Books for Kids Who Love SuperheroesHave fun introducing your child to your favorite comic book characters in these early reader, picture book, and graphic novel versions of superhero stories for kids. Plus meet some new ones: Kung Fu Robot, Action Cat, and Robot Zot.


“S” is Superman’s favorite letter! “S” starts the word Superman, but also starts words like superhero and save! Can you think of any other “S” words?


Find some crayons or makers to color a picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Play the classic game Hot Potato, but use a rock and call the game “Pass the Kryptonite!”

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Glendale – Babies
  • Date & Time: Thursday, March 27, 10:30am
  • Location: Glendale Branch
  • Description: Babies up to 24 months and an adult are invited for stories, songs, fingerplays, and fun! Each session is followed by playtime with special toys designed just for babies.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.