Are you looking for your next great read? We can help! Visit us in person, explore reading recommendations online, join an in-person or online book discussion, get recommendations on Facebook, tune in to our televised book club segments, and more. Get started here!

Sunday Nights on Facebook
Join us on Sunday nights at 8:30pm on Facebook for Currently Reading. Enjoy this hour during which book enthusiasts share favorite books and offer suggestion about what to read next. Find out about the books that have everyone talking.

Indy Now Book Club
Catch book recommendations and IndyPL program highlights from your own local librarians once a month on the Indy Now Morning Show with Ryan and Jillian on Fox59. The show airs at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. Browse our past appearances.

In-Person & Online Book Discussions
Do you love talking about books? Join one of our book discussions or book clubs available both in-person and online.

Online Reading Recommendations
NovelList and NovelList K-8 are online services that offer reading recommendations. Browse both fiction and nonfiction, read-alike suggestions, series information, reviews, and lists of recommended and award-winning books for adults, teens and kids. Learn how to start on this video tutorial. Also try Book Connections which includes a “find the right book for you” feature.

Would you prefer one-on-one help? Call or ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email ask-a- librarian.

Make a selection from one of the book lists below created by our staff of avid readers. You can also follow our staff’s most recently published lists on the library catalog home page. Don’t miss our If You Like… suggestions that cover all the favorite genres like science fiction, graphic novels, romance, and more. Finally, don’t miss What We’re Reading Teens and What We’re Reading Kids.

Literary Fiction featuring Strong Women

I love a great book with a strong female character! These are the best of the best from my read pile to celebrate Women’s History Month. Learn more about Women’s History and browse additional staff reading recommendations.

Title - MigrationsTitle - The MerciesTitle - Rules of CivilityTitle - When Women Were Dragons

What to Read Next Based on Your Favorite Timothy Egan Book

Timothy Egan is a prolific nonfiction writer who has tackled a wide variety of subjects including the KKK in Indiana, the history of the West and Pacific North West, and a moving portrait of the Dust Bowl. In this list, each of Timothy Egan’s sweeping and well-researched books is paired with a nonfiction book and a fiction book that capture some of the same themes.

Whether you’re a first time reader of Egan or have devoured everything he has to offer, you should be able to find your next book here!

Join us March 20 at the Madam Walker Legacy Center for the 46th Annual Marian McFadden Memorial Lecture featuring a special discussion with acclaimed historian Timothy Egan, acclaimed writer and veteran chronicler of the American experience, and author of A Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan’s Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them.

Tickets are free but extremely limited and will be available to the public beginningFriday, March 7 at 5 p.m., while supplies last. Sign up for a reminder to secure your free ticket.

Learn more about this year’s Marian McFadden Memorial Lecture.

Title - A Fever in the HeartlandTitle - Black KlansmanTitle - Ring ShoutTitle - A Pilgrimage to Eternity

Waiting for Onyx Storm?

The third book in the Empyrean Series by Rebecca Yarros following “Fourth Wing” and “Iron Flame” comes out on January 21st. While you what for it to come out (or for your hold to come through), try one of the following!

Pro Tip- Put multiple formats on hold! Sometimes the e-book will come in before the physical book. Just don’t forget to cancel your extra holds when you’re done reading so it can go to the next person!

Title - Onyx StormTitle - Fourth WingTitle - The Dragonriders of PernTitle - His Majesty

Love and Women in Basketball

If you’re feeling a March Madness vibe, you might find something to enjoy among this mix of narrative books and films featuring female characters who know how to play the game! Learn more about Women’s History and browse additional staff reading recommendations.

Title - No Stopping Us NowTitle - Love & BasketballTitle - The Avant-GuardsTitle - One on One

Oh, Sweetie!

Books about Sweet Potatoes… Growing them, eating them, and even a bit of humor about them. Browse our complete listing of 2025 Gardening Workshops.

Title - Encyclopedia of GardeningTitle - PotatoTitle - Buried TreasuresTitle - The Potatopia Cookbook

Kaiju Survival Guide: What To Do If Giant Monsters Attack

I spend a lot of time contemplating what I would do if a giant rampaging monster, also known as a kaiju, attacked. If you also worry about what to do, I’ve compiled a list of tips and accompanying media to provide guidance. Disclaimer: this list is strictly meant for entertainment and not meant to help in the event of an actual kaiju attack. Even if these tips aren’t genuine, you can still use this list to find genuinely entertaining kaiju-related books, graphic novels, and films.

Title - GodzillaTitle - Kaiju UnleashedTitle - Godzilla minus oneTitle - Kaiju No. 8

You Had Me at "Hello"

Sometimes you fall for a book from the very first lines. In this list you’ll find some of my favorite books whose opening has stuck with me. Perhaps one of these titles will intrigue and entice you!

Title - The Thief of AlwaysTitle - UgliesTitle - The Haunting of Hill HouseTitle - Butcher & Blackbird

Waiting for Everything is Tuberculosis?

John Green’s new book, Everything is Tuberculosis, combines Green’s trademark empathy and wit with science, history, and storytelling. Check out these other books on disease history that all have unique ways of making us understand how disease has shaped our stories, cultures, and lives.

Title - Everything Is TuberculosisTitle - RabidTitle - PathogenesisTitle - A Cure for Darkness

Culinary Book Club – Cookbooks about Retro Recipes

It is fun to look back at recipes our friends and relatives created for us for many of our family and friend events. Take a look back at another era and see what you may find.

Title - Retro Recipes From the Title - The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Sixties CookbookTitle - Taste of Home Vintage Recipes Made EasyTitle - Retro Cakes and Cookies

Indiana Geology & Geography

Indiana’s geology and geography is as fascinating as its people. From secluded waterfalls, to limestone caves, to fossil evidence of ancient seas, Indiana has plenty of wonders to explore.

Title - The Complete Guide to Indiana State ParksTitle - Wild & Scenic IndianaTitle - Indiana Rocks!Title - A Guide to Caves and Karst of Indiana

Women in Art

March is Women’s History Month. Learn more about these amazing female artists. Learn more about Women’s History and browse additional staff reading recommendations.

Title - The Female GazeTitle - The Passion of ArtemesiaTitle - Faith RinggoldTitle - Augusta Savage

The Revolution Will Be Type-written

A collection of odes to the Typewriter. Green Machine. Anti-AI. Object d’Art. Write your novel! Type a letter! Bang the keys! They make a wonderful clickety clackety sound, to bringing your thoughts alive.

Title - The Typewriter RevolutionTitle - OlivettiTitle - California TypewriterTitle - Smoking Typewriters

Poetry in Translation

Translating poetry from one language to another is an art form all its own. In this list you’ll find works representing many languages from around the world and across time—ancient to modern. Many of the poems in these collections are shared in their original languages in addition to their English translations. Enjoy!

Title - ÆdnanTitle - Bedouin Poets of the Nafūd DesertTitle - The Blue HouseTitle - Catullus

Writing Suspense

John F. Allen was at the East 38th Street branch last week, offering a workshop on Writing Suspense. Here are a number of titles to go along with the workshop. There aren’t any more on the schedule at the moment, but Mr. Allen presents at the Library often. If you get the chance to attend, you’ll be glad you did!

Title - HowdunitTitle - How to Write A Page TurnerTitle - Elements of Fiction Writing--conflict and SuspenseTitle - Thrill Me

Information Literacy for the Digital Age

Find a self-guided course from Northstar Digital Literacy on Information Literacy and other computer and smartphone topics. Information Literacy is more important than ever with an ever-increasing number of sources for information. Learn the skills and attitudes that will help you use and communicate information effectively. The skills are also necessary to keep yourself safe when communicating and researching online.

Title - Title - MLA Guide to Digital LiteracyTitle - Learning in A Time of AbundanceTitle - Metaliteracy

Here are tips to help you find your next read as well as a convenient clickable list of authors linked directly to our catalog for placing requests or checking out e-books or audiobooks. See also If You Like Amish and Mennonite Fiction.

1. Find award winning Christian fiction.

The Christy awards are presented annually to recognize novels of excellence written from a Christian worldview. See Christy Award winners in our collection here.

2. Borrow e-books or downloadable audiobooks.

Browse our OverDrive Christian Fiction Collection of e-books and downloadable audiobooks you can borrow with your IndyPL library card.

3. Get reading recommendations from IndyPL staff.

4. Make a selection from one of these Christian fiction authors.

5. Use your IndyPL Library card to login to Novelist Plus.

On Novelist Plus you’ll find reading recommendations, read-alikes, series lists, reviews, and lists of award-winning historical romance books. Once you login with your IndyPL library card, Once you login with your IndyPL library card, choose the “Christian fiction” category from the genre list on the left. Click on a book to read a brief description or see a star rating. Click “Check Availability” to see if the book is available to borrow from IndyPL.

6. Subscribe to a Christian fiction email newsletter.

Subscribe to NextReads to receive romance reading recommendation in your inbox monthly. Book suggestions are linked to our catalog for easy requesting. It’s FREE! See a Christian fiction sample issue. Subscribe to NextReads!

7. Find a book discussion near you!

You are invited to join in one of our many in-person or online book discussions that take place several times each month. In our book discussion groups we read and talk about both fiction and non-fiction books. We express our opinions (both likes and dislikes!) with other avid readers in the city.

  • Event: Zine Salon
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, March 25, 6:00pm
  • Location: East 38th Street Branch
  • Description: Spend some time reading, talking about, and making zines. We’ll pass around and read five selected titles.  If you need to wait while others read, use one of our kits to draw, write, and make a zine of your own.
  • Register Here
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We Chase
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades.
  • Register Here
  • Event: WitLITS Book Discussion Group
  • Date & Time: Friday, March 28, 10:30am
  • Location: Spades Park Branch
  • Description: A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading. Do you like classic American Literature? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS where our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up.
  • No Registration Required.

Need help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Cozy mysteries, often referred to as “cozies,” are a gentle subgenre of crime fiction or more hardened mysteries. The stories are often set in small communities and feature unlikely amateur detectives like letter carriers, inn keepers, teachers or librarians. Explicit sexuality and graphic violence take place offstage and any profanity is mild. If you like cozy mysteries you can browse a wide variety of titles in our catalog, or take a look at these tips and tricks to make your next selection!

1. Borrow e-books or downloadable audiobooks.

Use a mystery list from OverDrive to find e-books and downloadable audiobooks. If you have never borrowed from OverDrive before, both app directions and browser directions are available as well as a video tutorial and Overdrive Support.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

2. Get reading recommendations from IndyPL staff.

Click on a featured booklist to get cozy mystery reading recommendations. See also our If You Like Mysteries recommendations. You might also try for a one stop shop for all matters cozy. It provides recommendations, booklists, and announcements of upcoming entries in all your favorite series.

3. Use your Library card to login to Novelist Plus to find more cozy mysteries.

On Novelist Plus you’ll find cozy mystery reading recommendations, read-alikes, series lists, and reviews. Once you login, choose the “Mystery” category from the list on the left and then choose “Getting Cozy.” Click on a book to read a brief description, see a star rating, or click “Check Availability” to see if the book is available to borrow.

4. Subscribe to the cozy mystery newsletter from NextReads.

Subscribe to NextReads to receive cozy mystery reading recommendation in your inbox monthly. Book suggestions are linked to our catalog for easy requesting. It’s FREE! See a sample issue. Subscribe to NextReads here!

5. Make a Selection from these cozy mystery authors.

Find a book discussion near you!

You are invited to join in one of our many in-person or online book discussions that take place several times each month. In our book discussion groups we read and talk about both fiction and non-fiction books. We express our opinions (both likes and dislikes!) with other avid readers in the city.

  • Event: Zine Salon
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, March 25, 6:00pm
  • Location: East 38th Street Branch
  • Description: Spend some time reading, talking about, and making zines. We’ll pass around and read five selected titles.  If you need to wait while others read, use one of our kits to draw, write, and make a zine of your own.
  • Register Here
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We Chase
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades.
  • Register Here
  • Event: WitLITS Book Discussion Group
  • Date & Time: Friday, March 28, 10:30am
  • Location: Spades Park Branch
  • Description: A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading. Do you like classic American Literature? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS where our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up.
  • No Registration Required.

Catch book recommendations and IndyPL program highlights from your own local librarians once a month on the Indy Now Morning Show with Ryan and Jillian on Fox59. The show airs at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. Enjoy the most recent segment or browse the listing of past shows that highlight a variety of reading suggestions.

Current Segment

February 12
Meet the Artists
(Jacquelyn Green)


January 15
East 38th Street Branch Zine Collection
(Joanna Conrad  and Bambi Pea)

Indy Now Book Club Archive


December 18
2024 Staff Picks
(Taylor VanTryon and Emily Cain)

December 4
Holiday Workshops & Activities
(Jill Edwards)

November 20
Fostering Literacy with the World Languages Collection
(Olanike Olaniyi and Keshia McEntire)

November 6
Fall Fest
(Bryanna Barnes)

October 23
Crafting at the Library
(Kelsey Abernathy)

October 9
Meet an Author, Be an Author
(Jill Edwards)

September 11
Fall Programs for Teens
(Kirsten Weaver)

August 27
Small Business Series
(Rachel Wood, Ryan Donnelly)

August 13
Homeschool Resources
(Devery North)

July 31
Legal Resources
(Ryan Donnelly)

July 3
Quick Reads Collection
(Deb Lambert)

June 5
Juneteenth Bookfest
(Bryanna Barnes)

May 8
Meet Your Neighbor Programming Series and Travel-themed Books
(Keshia McEntire)

April 24
Dia del Niño Be My Neighbor Day
(Jessica Neeb-Smith)

March 27
Patent and Trademark Resources
(Ryan Donnelly)

March 13
Books About Self-love and the Center for Black Literature & Culture Programs (Bryanna Barnes)

February 28
Joyful Books by Black Authors
(Keshia McEntire and Alton Parks)

February 14
Meet The Artists
(Jaquelyn Green)

January 17
Book Clubs
(Kris Gould, Keshia McEntire)

January 3
Books to Support New Years Resolutions
(Rachel Wood)


December 20
Graphic Novels and Arts Programs (Kelsey Abernathy)

December 7
Encyclopedia of Indianapolis
(Natasha Hollenbach and Jyoti Verderame)

November 8
Fall Fest
(Jacquelyn Green)

October 25
Books for Chess Players
(Jordan Hunt, Charlie Cain)

September 27
Indy Cinema Series
(Jason Davis)

August 30
Small Business Series
(Alexandra Loewen)

August 16
Digital Creativity Work Stations
(Dawn Hawkins and Stephanie Flood)

August 2
Disability Representation
(Keshia McEntire)

July 5
Foraging Outside
(Anika Williams)

June 21
More Than a Place Podcast
(Sakura Fuqua)

June 7
Summer Reading Program
(Emily Thomas)

April 10
Books About Building Community and the New Glendale Branch
(Amy Buell)

April 12
Sci-Fi Books
(Kirsten Weaver)
Featured Books: Sci-Fi Books

March 29
Dia del Nino
(Emily Thomas)
Featured Books: Dia del Nino

March 15
Making a Positive Difference in the Community
(Leah Kim)
Featured BooksBooks for Hoosiers Hoping to Make a Difference

February 15
Romance Novels for Valentines Day
(Kirsten Weaver)
Featured BooksRomance Novels for Valentines Day

February 15
Romance Novels for Valentines Day
(Kirsten Weaver)
Featured BooksRomance Novels for Valentines Day

February 1
Meet the Artists
(Kimberly Brown)

January 18
Biographies and Memoirs
(Liz Schoettle)
Featured BooksBiographies & Memoirs

January 4
Computer and Technology Classes and Resources
(Marianne Mackenzie & Charlie Cain)
Featured BooksDigital Skills for the New Year


December 21
Holiday Book Recommendations for Families (Devery North)
Devery’s segment starts at 22:20.
Featured BooksCelebrate the Holidays Through Books

December 7
Fall Fest & Slammin’ Rhymes Challenge XVI (Kim Ewers)
Featured BooksFall Fest & Slammin’ Rhymes

October 27
Center for Black Literature & Culture 5th Anniversary (Amira Malcom)
Featured BooksCBLC’s Fifth Anniversary

October 20

Book Recommendations (Rachel Wood)

September 28
Introduction to Kadir Nelson (Shael Weidenbach)
Featured BooksKadir Nelson

August 31
Let’s Get Down to Business (Alexandra Loewen)
Featured BooksBooks About Business

August 17
Book Clubs Available at the Indianapolis Public Library (Sakura Fuqua) We offer a variety of in-person and online book discussions for adults, teens & kids.
Learn more!

August 3
Good Reads About Money (Rachel Nevada Wood)
Featured BooksGood Reads About Money

July 20 Books with Indiana Ties (Shelby Graam-Pavan)
Featured BooksBooks with Indiana Ties

July 6 Pick Up a New Hobby (Chris Hogsett)
Featured BooksPick Up a New Hobby

June 22 Summer Love Reading Recommendations (Keshia McEntire)
Featured BooksSummer Romance

June 8 Summer Reads: Pride Month (Liz Schoettle)
Featured BooksPride Reads

May 25
Adult Summer Reading Sports Reads (Rachel Wood)
Featured BooksSports Reads

May 1
Adult Summer Reading Program (Leah Kim)
Featured BooksBooks for Busy People

April 27
Graphic Novels (Chris Hogsett)
Featured Books
Graphic Novels for Kids

April 13
Spring Reads: Dystopian Fiction (Kirsten Weaver)
Featured Books
Dystopian Reads

March 31
Local Black Authors (Keshia McEntire)
Featured BooksLocal Black Authors

March 16
Music Related (Rachel Wood)
Featured BooksMusic-Related Reads

March 2
True Crime (Shelby Graam)
Featured BooksTrue Crime and Thrillers

February 16
Love Stories for February (Kirsten Weaver)
Featured BooksYA Love Stories

February 2
Book Club Kick Off (Rachel Wood)
Featured Books: Books by Black Authors

Find a book discussion near you!

  • Event: Zine Salon
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, March 25, 6:00pm
  • Location: East 38th Street Branch
  • Description: Spend some time reading, talking about, and making zines. We’ll pass around and read five selected titles.  If you need to wait while others read, use one of our kits to draw, write, and make a zine of your own.
  • Register Here
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We Chase
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades.
  • Register Here
  • Event: WitLITS Book Discussion Group
  • Date & Time: Friday, March 28, 10:30am
  • Location: Spades Park Branch
  • Description: A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading. Do you like classic American Literature? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS where our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up.
  • No Registration Required.

Here are six tips for finding books by Black authors, including a convenient list of authors linked directly to our catalog for placing requests or checking out e-books and e-audiobooks. Find compelling fiction and nonfiction by both contemporary and classic Black authors, including books in every genre from literary fiction to romance, to science fiction to personal memoirs, whether you are looking for a thrilling page turner are recognized prize-winner!

1. Visit the Center for Black Literature & Culture at Central Library.

The Center for Black Literature & Culture (CBLC) is home to our largest collection of materials by Black authors. Take as long as you’d like to browse this collection that features authors whose work impacts local, national, and global culture in literature, sports, business, politics, science, and music. Also don’t miss the CBLC’s website, The Power of Black Voices. This online collection includes artifacts, photographs, and articles across many categories including Black Literature and The African Diaspora. The CBLC can provide both in-person and online help finding books by Black authors.

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2. Read an award winner.

Make a selection from some of the most distinguished honors in literature. The Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA) Literary Award, the NAACP Image Awards for Literature, and the Earnest J. Gaines Literary Award all recognize excellence in writing by Black authors. To place convenient requests browse the winners in our catalog:

3. Borrow e-books and e-audiobooks

You can use your Library card to use OverDrive, our e-book and e-audiobook lending platform. Browse OverDrive’s African American Fiction or OverDrive’s African American Nonfiction collections. If you have never borrowed from OverDrive or used the OverDrive Libby app before, both OverDrive browser directions and Libby app directions are available as well as an OverDrive video tutorial and Overdrive/Libby Support.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Screenshot of four book covers that display from a search in the Libby app.

4. Get reading recommendations from Library staff

Click on a featured booklist to get reading recommendations or see all our staff book lists featuring Black authors.

5. Use your IndyPL Library card to login to Novelist Plus

Find recommendations, read-alikes, series lists, reviews, and lists of award-winning books by Black authors on Novelist Plus. Finding books by Black authors is as easy as selecting a category and then browsing through the choices.

Here is a sample listing from the Novelist category Black Creators in Comics to show a star rating and the option to “Check Availability” to see if it is available to borrow.

Sample listing from Black Creators in Comics from Novelist Plus.

6. Subscribe to the Black Literature Newsletter from NextReads

Three sample covers from NextReads newsletters.

Receive reading recommendation in your inbox monthly for recent novels featuring stories by Black authors. Book suggestions are linked to our catalog for easy requesting. It’s FREE! See a sample issue and Subscribe to Next Reads today!

Black Authors

Here some tips to help you find your next historical romantic read as well as a convenient clickable list of historical romance authors linked directly to our catalog for placing requests or checking out e-books or audiobooks. You might also find reading suggestions at If You Like Historical Fiction and If You Like Contemporary Romance.

1. Read an award winner.

There are a variety of awards given each year for the best in romance writing. Browse the winners from peoples’ choice to the best romance audiobook.

  • The Romance Writers of America (RWA) Vivian Award and the Romantic Novelists Association (RNA) Rona Award both recognize excellence in romance writing.
  • The Swoon Awards, or “Swoonies” is a reader-based award celebrating the romance community’s favorite romance novels of the year.
  • The Emma Awards are the premier award for diversity in romantic literature recognizing excellence in works featuring diverse and multicultural protagonists.
  • The Lambda Literary Awards, or “Lammys,” celebrate LGBTQ storytelling with category awards for RomanceGay Romance and Lesbian Romance.
  • For audiobook listeners try out the Audie Award winners in the Romance category. 

2. Borrow e-books, downloadable audiobooks, or movies.

Use romance lists from OverDrive and Kanopy to find e-books, audiobooks & streaming movies. Here are some short cut links to easily borrow online with your IndyPL library card. If you have never borrowed from OverDrive before, both OverDrive app directions and OverDrive browser directions are available as well as an OverDrive video tutorial and Overdrive Support. If you have never borrowed from Kanopy before, try these Kanopy directions.

3. Get reading recommendations from our staff.

Click on a featured booklist to get historical romance reading recommendations. See also If You Like Contemporary Romance or, if you you are looking for more history, try Staff Picks 2024 – Best of Historical Fiction.

4. Make a selection from these historical romance authors.

5. Use your Library card to login to Novelist Plus.

Use your Library card to login to Novelist Plus. On Novelist Plus you’ll find historical romance reading recommendations, read-alikes, series lists, reviews, and lists of award-winning historical romance books. Once you login with your Library card, choose the “Romance” category from the list on the left which includes choices like “Regency Rogues,” “Victorian Days,” “Men in Kilts,” and more. Click on a book to read a brief description, see a star rating, or choose “Check Availability” to see if the book is available to borrow.

6. Subscribe to the romance newsletter from NextReads.

Subscribe to NextReads to receive romance reading recommendation in your inbox monthly. Book suggestions are linked to our catalog for easy requesting. It’s FREE! See a sample issue. Subscribe to NextReads!

7. Find a book discussion near you!

You are invited to join in one of our many in-person or online book discussions that take place several times each month. In our book discussion groups we read and talk about both fiction and non-fiction books. We express our opinions (both likes and dislikes!) with other avid readers in the city.

  • Event: Zine Salon
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, March 25, 6:00pm
  • Location: East 38th Street Branch
  • Description: Spend some time reading, talking about, and making zines. We’ll pass around and read five selected titles.  If you need to wait while others read, use one of our kits to draw, write, and make a zine of your own.
  • Register Here
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We Chase
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades.
  • Register Here
  • Event: WitLITS Book Discussion Group
  • Date & Time: Friday, March 28, 10:30am
  • Location: Spades Park Branch
  • Description: A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading. Do you like classic American Literature? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS where our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up.
  • No Registration Required.

Need more help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Find Your Next Romantic Read

Romances are books that feature a relationship between two main characters that have a “happily ever after” ending. They can be a great optimistic escape! There are many sub-genres too, if there is a particular setting or mood you like, such as historical, contemporary, paranormal, or inspirational. Here are some tips to help you find your next read as well as a convenient clickable list of contemporary romance authors linked directly to our catalog for placing requests or checking out e-books or audiobooks. For more romantic reads browse our If You Like Historical Romance reading recommendations.

1. Read an award winner.

  • The Romance Writers of America (RWA) Vivian Award and the Romantic Novelists Association (RNA) Rona Award both recognize excellence in romance writing.
  • The Swoon Awards, or “Swoonies” is a reader-based award celebrating the romance community’s favorite romance novels.
  • The Emma Awards are the premier award for diversity in romantic literature.
  • The Lambda Literary Awards, or “Lammys,” celebrate LGBTQ storytelling with category awards for RomanceGay Romance and Lesbian Romance.
  • For audiobook listeners try out the Audie Award winners in the Romance category.

2.  Borrow e-books or downloadable audiobooks.

Use romance lists from OverDrive to find e-books and downloadable audiobooks. If you have never borrowed from OverDrive before, both OverDrive app directions and OverDrive browser directions are available as well as an OverDrive video tutorial and Overdrive Support.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

3. Get reading recommendations from our staff.

2024 Staff Picks Best of Romance

In the mood for a light, fun romance? Check out all the books our staff fell in love with in 2024. For the literary lovers, we have romances involving a children’s librarian and a bookstore. For the fantasy lovers, there are werewolves and fae and dragons (oh my!). Come for the 60’s baseball and shotgun weddings, stay for the swoony romance.

More Romance Staff Recommendations

Click on a featured booklist to get romance reading recommendations, or see all our staff romance lists. For even more ideas tailored to your particular romance taste, one of our staff romance readers suggests trying this book finder. Results are also linked to graded reviews, making it easier to find a book that suits your needs.

4. Make a selection from these contemporary romance authors.

5. Use your Library card to login to Novelist Plus.

Get read-alikes and other “what to read next” suggestions from ovelist Plus. If you like contemporary romance, you’ll find romance reading recommendations, read-alikes, series lists, reviews, and lists of award-winning romance books. Once you login with your IndyPL library card, choose the “Romance” category from the list on the left. When you click on a book you can read a brief description, see a star rating, and click “Check Availability” to see if your selection is available to borrow from IndyPL.

6. Subscribe to the romance newsletter from NextReads.

Subscribe to NextReads to receive romance reading recommendation in your inbox monthly. Book suggestions are linked to our catalog for easy requesting. It’s FREE! See a See a sample issue and Subscribe to NextReads!

Find a book discussion near you!

You are invited to join in one of our many in-person or online book discussions that take place several times each month. In our book discussion groups we read and talk about both fiction and non-fiction books. We express our opinions (both likes and dislikes!) with other avid readers in the city.

  • Event: Zine Salon
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, March 25, 6:00pm
  • Location: East 38th Street Branch
  • Description: Spend some time reading, talking about, and making zines. We’ll pass around and read five selected titles.  If you need to wait while others read, use one of our kits to draw, write, and make a zine of your own.
  • Register Here
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We Chase
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades.
  • Register Here
  • Event: WitLITS Book Discussion Group
  • Date & Time: Friday, March 28, 10:30am
  • Location: Spades Park Branch
  • Description: A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading. Do you like classic American Literature? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS where our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up.
  • No Registration Required.

Explore our 2024 Staff Picks for adults, teens, and kids to discover your next great read from our curated selections. Find the perfect audiobook to accompany your morning walk, or choose a movie to enjoy on a cozy winter afternoon. Additionally, browse through our recommendations for holiday gift ideas that will delight your favorite readers. Whether you’re searching for engaging books, entertaining media, or thoughtful gifts, our 2024 Staff Picks offer something for everyone to enjoy.

You can keep up with our staff’s reading recommendations throughout the year by visiting What We’re Reading, What We’re Reading for Teens, and What We’re Reading Kids. Additionally, you can find our suggestions prominently displayed on the library catalog home page. These resources provide a continually updated list of book recommendations for all ages, ensuring you always have fresh ideas for your next read. Whether you’re seeking captivating books for yourself, your teens, or your kids, our curated selections will inspire and guide your literary journey.

Staff Picks for Adults

Best of Nonfiction

As library workers, we’re always learning and this list of our favorite nonfiction books from 2024 reflects that. Check out books on basketball, friendship, life in the middle ages, homelessness, cars, birds, and more. Looking for cookbooks, craft books, or other lifestyle books? Check out our lifestyle list!

Title - ThereTitle - Cue the SunTitle - Birds Through Indigenous EyesTitle - When Driving Is Not An Option

Best of Biographies and Memoirs

Memoirs and biographies often manage to reach beyond the life of an individual and to dive deep into the particularities of our messy culture. Our favorite memoirs of 2024 touch on gender fluidity, grief, disability, motherhood, science, immigration, and democracy. Are we missing your favorite? Don’t forget to check our Best of Nonfiction list, you may find it there!

Title - Cactus CountryTitle - Grief Is for PeopleTitle - Burn BookTitle - Sociopath

Best of Fiction

Here are a few of our staff members favorite fiction books from 2024. There’s a little something for everyone. Looking for a book that captures the violence of girlhood? Check out Headshot or Brutes. Fascinated by the ways that economic precarity can both forge and complicate relationships? Checkout Come and Get It or Margo’s Got Money Troubles. Want a warm feel good tale that will help your forget about the chaos of the world? Try We’ll Prescribe You a Cat, Sipsworth, or Mrs. Quinn’s Rise to Fame. Plus aliens trying to make sense of the world, sweeping family epics, and nuclear power plants on the verge of melt down.

Think we’re missing something? Don’t forget to check out our genre lists.

New this year: we’ve included some recommendations at the bottom of the list that were our favorite reads from previous years. Hopefully, these will have a shorter hold list for you!

Title - Come and Get ItTitle - Wandering StarsTitle - HeadshotTitle - Margo

Best of Historical Fiction

Here are a few of our staff members favorite historical fiction selections of 2024– covering a span of hundreds of years. Read a trippy reimagining of Montezuma and Cortez’s meeting, see how an 18th century midwife handles being on trial for murder, or experience Huckleberry Finn from the point of view of James, the enslaved man at the center of the narrative. Looking for epic narratives that deal with the present as well as history? Take a peek at our Best of Fiction list.

New this year: we’ve included some recommendations at the bottom of the list that were our favorite reads from previous years. Hopefully, these will have a shorter hold list for you!

Title - JamesTitle - The WomenTitle - You Dreamed of EmpiresTitle - The Frozen River

Best of Lifestyle

Okay, so when we say lifestyle we mean mostly cookbooks. We clearly have a penchant for the quick and the easy, considering our cookbooks range from canned tomatoes, Japanese convenience store foods, and truly anything that implies “this won’t take long.” But we’ve also got books on watercolor, travel, and vegan desserts. Hopefully, you’ll find something to your ~taste~!

Title - 111 Places in Black Culture in Washington, DC That You Must Not MissTitle - KonbiniTitle - The Tinned Tomatoes CookbookTitle - Our South

Best of Romance

In the mood for a light, fun romance? Check out all the books our staff fell in love with in 2024.

For the literary lovers, we have romances involving a children’s librarian and a bookstore. For the fantasy lovers, there are werewolves and fae and dragons (oh my!). Come for the 60’s baseball and shotgun weddings, stay for the swoony romance.

Title - Funny StoryTitle - BrideTitle - The PairingTitle - Perfume & Pain

Best of Sci-Fi/Fantasy

2024 is the year of subverted tropes and plot lines. Fantasy villains wake up with amnesia to grapple with their crimes (Dreadful), magical girls must grapple with purchasing decisions (A Magical Girl Retires), a scholarship student destroys the academy (The Practice, the Horizon, and the Chain), and adults must return to their fantasy worlds (The Lost Story).

Of course, if you’re looking for something entirely original, there’s plenty of that too! A cannibalistic demon makes an Indian food documentary (Rare Flavours), a woman is trapped in the body of a wooly mammoth (Tusks of Extinction), and futuristic reality show sees couples raising virtual babies for the chance to have a real child (The Family Experiment).

Looking for speculative horror? Check out our suspense list!

Title - DreadfulTitle - The FamiliarTitle - Lore of the WildsTitle - The Practice, the Horizon, and the Chain

Best of Suspense

In the mood to freak yourself out? Check out our staff’s favorite horror, mystery, and thriller novels from 2024.

We’ve got stories of missing children that span decades (The God of the Woods and The Middle of the Night, All the Colors of the Dark), lots of haunted houses (Incidents Around the House, We Use to Live Here, and Model Home), and indigenous suspense (The Angel of Indian Lake and Where They Last Saw Her).

Title - Incidents Around the HouseTitle - We Used to Live HereTitle - The God of the WoodsTitle - My Favorite Thing Is Monsters

Best of DVDs

Did you miss the chance to see a movie in theatres? You don’t need to wait for movies to hit a streaming platform– instead, snag one of our favorite DVDs of 2024, pop a bag of popcorn and enjoy.

Ranging from family friendly to … not that, these DVDs will make you laugh, cry, and cringe.

Title - Dune, Part TwoTitle - ChallengersTitle - Lisa FrankensteinTitle - The boy and the heron

Staff Picks for Kids & Teens

Best of Picture Books

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Our staff share some of their favorite picture books from 2024 that they have seen – from beautiful to funny, we hope there is something for you and your littlest readers to enjoy. One older title submitted added at the bottom of the list.

Title - The Yellow BusTitle - Treehouse TownTitle - It Bears RepeatingTitle - The Bakery Dragon

Best of Graphic Novels for Kids

Graphic novels for kids are formatted like a comic book but are typically longer and more developed than traditional comic books. These novels use illustrations, speech bubbles, and panel layouts. They’re a great way to encourage young readers to enjoy reading. The illustrations provide visual cues that help with comprehension. Here are some of our staff’s favorite graphic novels from 2024 to read and enjoy!

Title - Blood City RollersTitle - Plain Jane and the MermaidTitle - Continental DrifterTitle - Falling in Love With A Traveling Cat

Best of Beginning and Early Readers for Kids

Staff favorites that fall into our beginning and early readers category can be found at the library in the jZ (Beginner) and jE (Early Reader) sections. Books for children beginning to read on their own typically have very controlled vocabulary and a lot of pictures. (Think Piggie and Elephant, Bob Books, or Yasmin.) Books for Early Readers introduce children to a longer stories, often with chapters or vignettes. These books contain more content and the characters have more depth and experiences. (Think Magic Treehouse or Bad Guy series.)

Title - Bunny and ClydeTitle - Fox Plays BallTitle - The Adventure and Other StoriesTitle - The Cozy Home

Best of Fiction for Kids

Some of our favorite new fiction titles published for kids. At the very bottom of the list, enjoy older bonus material: staff were also asked if they read an older title/not published in 2024 that they might also recommend.

Title - FerrisTitle - The Bletchley RiddleTitle - Amari And The Despicable WondersTitle - The Color of Sound

Best of Teen

Enjoy this list of our favorite YA reads of 2024, which spans genres. Enjoy dark academia, fake dating, poetry, comic adventures, subverted fantasy tropes, heists, D&D, and more!

Don’t forget that this year, we’ve included our favorite selections from the back catalog, in the hopes you can get your hands on a book you’ll love right now.

Title - Where Sleeping Girls LieTitle - Hockey Girl Loves Drama BoyTitle - Dear WendyTitle - The Unboxing of A Black Girl

collage of historical fiction book covers including "Sacrificio," "Lavender House," "Siren Queen," "The Rib King," and more.

If you enjoy reading about characters living in a different time or navigating real historical events, here are some tips to help you find your next historical fiction read! Browse award winners, get recommendations from our staff, or make a selection from our list of historical fiction authors linked directly to our catalog, so you can conveniently place holds and check item availability. You might also find reading suggestions at If You Like Historical Romance.

Find award winners.

Awards for Young Adult and Children’s Historical Fiction:

Get reading recommendations from our staff.

Staff Picks 2024 – Best of Historical Fiction

Here are a few of our staff members’ favorite historical fiction selections of 2024– covering a span of hundreds of years. Read a trippy reimagining of Montezuma and Cortez’s meeting, see how an 18th century midwife handles being on trial for murder, or experience Huckleberry Finn from the point of view of James, the enslaved man at the center of the narrative. Looking for epic narratives that deal with the present as well as history? Take a peek at our Best of Fiction list.

New this year: we’ve included some recommendations at the bottom of the list that were our favorite reads from previous years. Hopefully, these will have a shorter hold list for you!

Title - JamesTitle - The WomenTitle - You Dreamed of EmpiresTitle - The Frozen RiverTitle - The Underground LibraryTitle - Freedom Is A FeastTitle - The Lion Women of TehranTitle - The Briar Club



Use your library card to access NoveList Plus.

Find reading recommendations, read-alikes, reviews, and lists of award-winning books on the book database NoveList Plus, which is free to access with your library card!

On the left side of the NoveList homepage, select “Historical Fiction” to view lists of recommended reads. Or, select “Browse By” at the top of the site and choose “Genre,” then select “historical fiction” from the drop-down menu to browse new and popular picks.

When viewing a title in NoveList Plus, you can read a brief description of the book and see reviews. Click “Check availability” to see if the book is available to borrow.

Subscribe to the historical fiction newsletter from NextReads.

Receive a monthly list of historical fiction books in your email. Listed books are linked to the Indianapolis Public Library catalog, so it’s easy to place a hold on anything that catches your eye. See a sample issue of the historical fiction list or sign up for NextReads newsletters.

Make a selection from one of these historical fiction authors.

Upcoming Author Talks & Book Discussions

  • Event: Zine Salon
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, March 25, 6:00pm
  • Location: East 38th Street Branch
  • Description: Spend some time reading, talking about, and making zines. We’ll pass around and read five selected titles.  If you need to wait while others read, use one of our kits to draw, write, and make a zine of your own.
  • Register Here
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We Chase
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades.
  • Register Here
  • Event: WitLITS Book Discussion Group
  • Date & Time: Friday, March 28, 10:30am
  • Location: Spades Park Branch
  • Description: A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading. Do you like classic American Literature? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS where our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up.
  • No Registration Required.
  • Event: Ad Astra
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 31, 6:00pm
  • Location: Central Library
  • Description: Embark on interstellar journeys of imagination with Ad Astra, Central Library’s scifi book group. Our March title is “Leviathan Wakes” by James S.A. Corey.
  • No Registration Required.

Need more help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Explore the rich diversity of books by Indigenous authors, offering unique perspectives for both adults and children. Let us help you discover these remarkable stories!

Read an award winner by an Indigenous author.

Make a selection from some of the most distinguished honors in literature.

The Indigenous Voices Awards were established in 2017 to support and nurture the work of Indigenous writers in lands claimed by Canada. “The awards honour the sovereignty of Indigenous creative voices and reject cultural appropriation; to be eligible for the Indigenous Voices Awards, authors must be Indigenous and must make a declaration of Indigenous identity.”

The American Indian Youth Literature Award “identifies and honors the very best writing and illustrations by Native Americans and Indigenous peoples of North America. Books selected to receive the award present Indigenous North American peoples in the fullness of their humanity.” Categories include Best Picture Book, Best Middle Grade Book, and Best Young Adult Book.

Browse our e-Book & Streaming Indigenous author collections.

We have thousands of books, audiobooks, movies, and tv shows for kids, teens, and adults to download or stream instantly with an IndyPL Library card.

Need help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch, and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Get reading recommendations.

Finding Indigenous authors for adults & teens.

Browse suggested viewing and reading from The Eiteljorg Museum. Their author selections range from history to science fiction, to autobiography, horror and poetry. See some of their recommendations linked to our catalog for easy check out. In addition, the museum has a Spotify playlist of the diverse sounds of Indigenous Peoples. You can get a preview of what you might see visiting the Eiteljorg Museum. Look at some of items in their collection of Native American Art in their online collection.

In addition, First Nations publishes a list of essential reading for anyone interested in learning about the Native American experience.

Many of us here – as Native Americans, avid readers, activists for improving Native American economies and communities, and as direct participants in the Native American experience – believe that we are uniquely positioned to suggest this reading list. We attempted to include many facets of the Native American experience, as well as books and research reports that would be of interest to a broad variety of readers.” ~ First Nations President & CEO Michael Roberts.

First Nations indicates on the list which titles are especially good ones to start with. Here are a few of their selections or browse the full First Nations list.

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown

“Eloquent, heartbreaking, and meticulously documented, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee follows the systematic destruction of the American Indian during the second half of the 19th century. Using council records, autobiographies, and firsthand descriptions, Brown’s work highlights the voices of those American Indians who actually experienced the battles, massacres, and broken treaties.”
print | e-book (OverDrive) | audiobook (OverDrive)

An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz

“Historian and activist Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz offers a history of the United States told from the perspective of Indigenous peoples and reveals how Native Americans, for centuries, actively resisted expansion of the US empire. Dunbar-Ortiz challenges the founding myth of the United States and shows how policy against the Indigenous peoples was colonialist and designed to seize the territories of the original inhabitants, displacing or eliminating them.”
print | e-book (OverDrive) | audiobook (OverDrive)

Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid to Ask by Anton Treuer

“Treuer, an Ojibwe scholar and cultural preservationist, answers the most commonly asked questions about American Indians, both historical and modern. He gives a frank, funny, and personal tour of what’s up with Indians, anyway.”

“All the Real Indians Died Off” and 20 Other Myths About Native Americans by Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz

“Dunbar-Ortiz shows how myths about Native Americans are rooted in the fears and prejudice of European settlers and in the larger political agendas of a settler state aimed at acquiring Indigenous land and are tied to narratives of erasure and disappearance. All the Real Indians Died Off challenges readers to rethink what they have been taught about Native Americans and history.”
print | e-book (OverDrive) | audiobook (OverDrive)

Finding Indigenous authors for children.

Finding Indigenous books for children has been made easier since 2006 when Dr. Debbie Reese (Nambé Pueblo) began her website, American Indians in Children’s Literature (AICL). Dr. Reese provides American Indian Children’s Literature Best Books Lists each year to help parents and teachers find great books for kids! Browse many of these titles in our catalog.

Additional lists of best Indigenous books for children can be found at:

Use your IndyPL Library card to login to Novelist Plus

On Novelist Plus you’ll find recommendations, read-alikes, series lists, reviews, and lists of award-winning books by Indigenous authors. Browse the Indigenous Lives category.

Here is a sample listing from Indigenous Lives to show a star rating and the option to “Check Availability” to see if it is available to borrow from IndyPL.

Indigenous Authors

Looking for something fun to do or the perfect book to curl up with on a dark and stormy night? If so, join us for some exciting fall activities at the Library! If you need a reading recommendation, our knowledgeable staff is here to assist you. With a variety of engaging events and expert book suggestions, we are excited to help you find the ideal activity or book to make your fall enjoyable and memorable.


Halloween Storytime Online

Here are some fun stories to help calm typical Halloween fears—complete with laughter! You can listen to a variety of these stories right now. For instance, in Zombies Don’t Eat Veggies, Mo is a zombie who loves gardening and growing his own vegetables. He enjoys cooking and eating them, but his parents insist he needs to eat “finger” foods instead—though they don’t mean snacks! They firmly say, “zombies don’t eat veggies!” However, Mo, being a zombie who eats veggies, tries to convince his parents to give them a try. Enjoy Halloween storytime online and explore more books at the Library that turn Halloween fear into Halloween fun!

If You Like Horror

stacks of old books and a skull

If you’re specifically seeking extra-terror, we can help you find your next horrifying read. First, explore our list of horror award winners. Additionally, check out recommendations from your favorite authors. For ongoing inspiration, subscribe to our horror book newsletter, delivered right to your inbox every month. With these options, you’ll have plenty of ways to discover chilling reads that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Fall Reading Recommendations

alt=" "

Looking for some mysterious or spooky fun? Start by exploring our curated book lists that feature popular fall and Halloween reading genres, TV shows, and movies. Additionally, enjoy a variety of fall-themed activities at The Library every day. With these resources, you can immerse yourself in the seasonal spirit and discover new favorites to enjoy throughout the season.


  • AhOoooooh – Werewolves of Fiction – IndyPL_KaseyP

    Why do shapeshifters fascinate us so? Maybe it’s the transformational quality, or the idea that we’ve all got a little beast hidden inside of us. These stories of lycanthropy promise fear, fascination, and maybe a few howls at the moon!

  • Clowns: Scary or Not So Scary? – IndyPL_ChaseM

    Read through this list of clown related books and movies, to determine on a case-by-case basis if the clown or clowns are scary…or not so scary!

  • Crime-solving spooks – IndyPL_SarahS

    Sometimes, having been murdered is the best preparation for solving crimes. It’s a weirdly popular trope among cozy mysteries.

  • Deadly Games Movies & Books – IndyPL_RyanL

    Horror and thriller movies/books about deadly survival competitions and games that will leave you hearing the eerie phrase “Do you want to play a game?”

  • Dolls: Scary or Not So Scary? – IndyPL_ChaseM

    Pediophobia is the fear of dolls or inanimate objects that appear human, Examine these books and movies on a case-by-case basis to determine if dolls are scary…or not so scary!

  • Graphic Novels To Die For – IndyPL_ShainaS

    Within this spooky list, you’ll find some lesser known graphic novel gems spotlighted. But beware, their shadows are long and twisty. Muahaha!

  • The Little House Down the Lane – Haunted House Stories – IndyPL_KaseyP

    Be it a decrepit mansion, busted apartment complex, or secluded hotel, beware the building that looks back at you with hatred in its grubby windows! And never ever set foot inside…

  • Mysteries with a Paranormal Twist – IndyPL_MicheleP

    Things such as Tarot Cards, Angels, Psychics, Ghosts, Seances, Crystal Balls, and Talking Skeletons can be found in these mystery series. Throw off your disbelief for a short time and enjoy!

  • Sweet and Spooky Romances – IndyPL_RachelNW

    Celebrate the start of fall by reading these sweet and spooky paranormal romances. Read about werewolves, witches, ghosts, and vampires as they carve pumpkins and fall in love.

  • Witchy Mysteries – IndyPL_JessicaM

    Love mysteries and want to get in the mood for the spooky season? Enjoy these mysteries with witch protagonists and magical twists.

TV & Movies

  • A History of Horror Films – IndyPL_ChaseM

    October, more specifically the Halloween season, is a great time to celebrate horror movies and what scares us. This list explores how the definition of what scares us has changed and how culture and society influenced it.

  • If You Like Camp Upside-Down: If you like Stranger Things – IndyPL_KaseyP

    If you love this nostalgic horror phenomenon from Netflix, you know it makes 80s pop culture references galore! Here are some of the gems referencee, as well as Hawkins, IN adjacent goodies for all seasons.

  • If You Like Shaun of the Dead – IndyPL_KaseyP

    Horror Comedies can be done well. (Fair warning: Almost all of these carry an R-Rating. Please giggle responsibly.)

  • Octoberween // Books & Movies to Die For Part 2: The Spookening – IndyPL_ShainaS

    20 beloved favorites! OoooOoooooooo OOOOOOOoooooooooo

  • Terrifying Horror Films – IndyPL_JessicaL

    Beware, these films are not for the faint of heart. Perfect for having a fright night anytime of the year.

  • Zombie Comedy Films – IndyPL_TimothyV

    Some of these movies are classic. Others are classically bad. Either way, zombies can make us laugh even as they terrify us.


  • Halloween Cooking Fun – IndyPL_KathyH

    Whether you’re having a Halloween party or just want some fun treats to make for your friends or family, check out these fun Halloween cookbooks.

  • Halloween – It’s Not Just for Kids! – IndyPL_KathyH

    "There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch." Robert Brault #IndyPLAdults

  • Mr. & Mrs. Shelley: The Original Goth Couple – IndyPL_DanA

    When Percy was killed in a boating accident, Mary kept his petrified heart on her person and in her desk until the day she died. Learn more!

  • Spooky Scores – IndyPL_MarianneK

    Tingle your spine while tinkling the ivories with these classic chillers.

For Kids & Teens

We can assist you in finding delightful Halloween reading for both kids and teens. Our collection features a range of engaging books tailored to young readers of all ages, ensuring that they can enjoy the spooky season with captivating stories. Whether you’re looking for thrilling adventures, spooky tales, or festive Halloween-themed books, we offer a variety of options to suit every interest and reading level. As a result, you can easily discover the perfect Halloween read to match your mood and interests!

  • Fall Into Autumn with These Wonderful Books – IndyPL_ShannonO

    Fall is here! Time to get into the spirit with some autumn-themed picture books! These are great titles for story times, displays, and more!

  • Spooky Graphic Novels for Kids – IndyPL_RyanL

    A small sampling of some spooky and fun graphic novels for kids. Just in time for Halloween.

  • Octoberween // Picture Books – IndyPL_ShainaS

    Here’s a third batch of creepy cute Halloween-y picture books to warm your chilly autumn nights!

  • Books to Turn Halloween Fear into Halloween Fun! – IndyPL_Recommends_Kids

    Many small children don’t find Halloween fun at all! The masks, the jumping out surprises and all the ghosts, vampires & scary looking pumpkins can be too many surprises for little trick-or-treaters. Here are several stories that can help kids turn their Halloween fears into Halloween fun!

  • If You Like Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark – IndyPL_CarrieS

    These books offer the same kind of suspense and thrills. This is a list of middle grade books for future Stephen King fans. If you get a thrill out of wondering what lurks in the closet after dark… These stories are for you!

  • Monsters Aren’t Scary – IndyPL_JessicaNS

    Not all monster books are scary! If your little one is afraid of monsters, these are some good choices to help with their fears. They’ll be laughing at monsters in no time.

  • Wholesome Halloween – IndyPL_JessicaL

    Enjoy the fun of Halloween with this family-friendly collection of videos!

  • Witchy Reads for Halloween – IndyPL_ShannonO

    Get into the Halloween season with these witch-themed books and graphic novels for kids and teens.

In honor of Veteran’s Day, browse Veterans Day reading recommendations from a variety of sources. A wide ranging number of books written by scholars, historians, and observers about wars, military strategy, and the experiences of both active duty and veteran service members are classic, best-selling, and highly awarded. Journalists embed with troops and report from all aspects of war from the military command to troop units on the ground.

Sometimes the authors of the recommended books listed are people outside military service, but more often the authors are fellow service members. What these titles share is the distinction of being recommended by service members. These are the titles they suggest to each other, as well as to those of who have not served.

By choosing one of the following lists of recommendations you can explore title choices thoroughly and read in-depth reviews written by service members. A selection of these recommendations are listed below linked to the catalog for easy check out.

Veterans Day Reading Recommendations

Are you a veteran? Do you have a story to share?

The Library of Congress invites you to participate in the Veterans History Project. The Veterans History Project collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war.

Sharing Veteran’s Day with Children

Photo Soldier Dad Reading to Child

Veterans Day is an opportune time to share what military service is with young children. Check out a book from Stories for Kids about Active Duty Soldiers, Veterans, and Their Families for picture book and early reading tributes that illuminate the experiences of active duty soldiers, veterans, and their families. Titles range from community observances like Veteran’s Day to traditions celebrated in families to honor their own active duty or Veteran service members to the experiences of children whose parents serve.

Take at look at these recommended titles selected by the Military Times and the National Medal of Honor Museum. Each has selected books both old and new, fiction and non-fiction that cover history, memoir, women in combat, racism, rules of war, and more. What better way to honor a service member than to read their story, in their own words.

Title - Blaze of LightTitle - Summoned at MidnightTitle - War FlowerTitle - Race of AcesTitle - Beyond the CallTitle - You Are Worth ItTitle - The Warrior CodeTitle - Red PlatoonTitle - Black Hawk DownTitle - The New Rules of WarTitle - Soldier, Sailor, Frogman, Spy, Airman, Gangster, Kill or DieTitle - Code Name: Lise

6 Ways to Find Your Next Terrifying Read

1. Read an award winner.

Bram Stoker Book Award Seal

Given out yearly since 1988, The Bram Stoker Awards® are the premiere awards for outstanding writing presented by the Horror Writers Association. To place convenient requests in our catalog, see all of the Bram Stoker Award winners in our collection.

2. Borrow e-books, downloadable audiobooks, or movies.

Here are some quick links to fiction & films you can borrow with your IndyPL library card.

If you have never borrowed from OverDrive before both OverDrive app directions and OverDrive browser directions are available. Additionally, you can watch an OverDrive video tutorial or consult with Overdrive Support. If you have never borrowed from Kanopy before here are some Kanopy directions and a Kanopy video tutorial.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

3. Get reading recommendations from IndyPL staff.

Click on our featured lists or browse through all of our horror staff lists.

Staff Picks 2024- Best of Suspense

In the mood to freak yourself out? Check out our staff’s favorite horror, mystery, and thriller novels from 2024.

We’ve got stories of missing children that span decades (The God of the Woods and The Middle of the Night, All the Colors of the Dark), lots of haunted houses (Incidents Around the House, We Use to Live Here, and Model Home), and indigenous suspense (The Angel of Indian Lake and Where They Last Saw Her).

Title - Incidents Around the HouseTitle - We Used to Live HereTitle - The God of the WoodsTitle - My Favorite Thing Is MonstersTitle - All the Colors of the DarkTitle - Bad Dreams in the NightTitle - ThirstTitle - The Angel of Indian Lake

4. Make a selection from this list of horror authors

5. Subscribe to the horror newsletter from NextReads

Receive reading recommendation in your inbox monthly. Book suggestions are linked to our catalog for easy requesting. It’s FREE! See a sample issueSubscribe to NextReads!

6. Use your IndyPL Library card to login to Novelist Plus.

On Novelist Plus you’ll find reading recommendations, read-alikes, series lists, reviews, and lists of award-winning books. Once you login, choose the a category from the list on the left which includes choices like “Blood-drenched,” “Creature Feature,” “Creepy Clowns & Bad Seeds,” and more! Click on a book to read a brief description, see a star rating, and “Check Availability” to see if it the book is available to borrow from IndyPL.

Find a book discussion near you!

You are invited to join in one of our many in-person or online book discussions that take place several times each month. In our book discussion groups we read and talk about both fiction and non-fiction books. We express our opinions (both likes and dislikes!) with other avid readers in the city.

  • Event: Zine Salon
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, March 25, 6:00pm
  • Location: East 38th Street Branch
  • Description: Spend some time reading, talking about, and making zines. We’ll pass around and read five selected titles.  If you need to wait while others read, use one of our kits to draw, write, and make a zine of your own.
  • Register Here
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We Chase
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades.
  • Register Here
  • Event: WitLITS Book Discussion Group
  • Date & Time: Friday, March 28, 10:30am
  • Location: Spades Park Branch
  • Description: A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading. Do you like classic American Literature? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS where our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up.
  • No Registration Required.

Need more help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Join our virtual author talks to enjoy conversation with the authors behind your favorite books from the comfort of home. What questions have you always wanted to ask? Submit your questions online. We will also take questions during the event and will cover as many questions as time allows! Browse our archive of past virtual author talks for even more insightful discussions

Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We…
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We Chase
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades.
  • Register Here
Virtual Author Talk: Wordsmith…
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Wordsmith and Wonder
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, April 02, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: Step into Spring with us as we chat with the highly acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult about her newest novel, “By Any Other Name.”
  • Register Here
Virtual Author Talk: The Stori…
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: The Stories, Science, and History of Trees
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, April 08, 2:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: Join us as Smithsonian Horticulturalist Matthew Fleming, guides us through the secret world of trees as is revealed in the beautiful and absorbing guide to the giants of the plant world— “The Tree Book: The Stories, Science, and History of Trees.”
  • Register Here
Virtual Author Talk: The Thril…
Virtual Author Talk: How to Us…
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: How to Use Anxiety to Thrive
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, May 07, 2:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: In this enlightening online webinar, you will learn how to use anxiety to become more self-accepting, connected to others, and resilient. Join us for an empowering conversation featuring constructive, compassionate, and evidence-based strategies from Dr. David H. Rosmarin.
  • Register Here
Virtual Author Talk: On Writin…
Virtual Author Talk: How Judy …
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: How Judy Blume Rewrote Childhood for All of Us
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, May 21, 2:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to an online intimate conversation with bestselling author Rachelle Bergstein as she chats about her newest book The Genius of Judy. This book takes an expansive look at Judy Blume’s life, work, and cultural impact, focusing on her most iconic—and controversial—young adult novels.
  • Register Here

Are you looking for your next great read?

We can help! Visit us in-person, explore reading recommendations online, join an in-person or online book discussion, get recommendations on Facebook, tune in to our televised book club segments, and more. Get started here!

Sunday Nights on Facebook

Join us on Sunday nights at 8:30pm on Facebook for Currently Reading. Enjoy this hour during which book enthusiasts share favorite books and offer suggestion about what to read next. Find out about the books that have everyone talkin

Wednesday Mornings – Indy Now Book Club

Catch book recommendations and IndyPL program highlights from your own local librarians once a month on the Indy Now Morning Show with Ryan and Jillian on Fox59. The show airs at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. Browse our past appearances.

In-Person & Online Book Discussions

Do you love talking about books? Join one of our book discussions or book clubs available both in-person and online

Online Reading Recommendations

NovelList and NovelList K-8 are online services that offer reading recommendations. Browse both fiction and nonfiction, read-alike suggestions, series information, reviews, and lists of recommended and award-winning books for adults, teens and kids. Learn how to start on this video tutorial. Also try Book Connections which includes a “find the right book for you” feature.

Would you prefer one-on-one help? Call or ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email ask-a- librarian.

The freedom to choose or reject ideas, to read books of our choice…is the very bedrock of our free society.” ~Kurt Vonnegut

“Knowledge and education are some of the best equalizers as far as reducing the achievement gap and helping individuals reach their full potential…We need to be sure that our children have full access to knowledge, to education, with no restrictions on books and no restrictions on knowledge.” ~Indiana State Senator Fady Qaddoura

National Banned Books Week is an annual celebration of the freedom to read. It was launched in 1982 as a response to a growing number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores, and libraries.

Banned Books Week 2024

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“I believe that censorship is the enemy of freedom. By banning books, we deny ourselves the opportunity to learn from the past and to envision a braver future. Books have the power to open minds and build bridges. This is why certain forces do not want the masses to engage with books. They fear progress and growth in new, bold directions. For this reason, Banned Books Week is vitally important. It is a celebration of our right to access varied voices and to engage with ideas that challenge and champion us. I am honored to be selected as honorary chair of Banned Book Week for this election year, and I stand with my fellow readers, fellow writers and fellow advocates around the world who refuse to let voices be silenced.”

2024 Banned Books Week Honorary Chair award-winning filmmaker Ava DuVernay.

From Selma to 13th and When They See Us, DuVernay’s work shines a light on the power of storytelling. Her film adaptations of frequently banned books, like A Wrinkle in Time, remind us why it’s so important to protect diverse voices.

The American Library Association’s Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2023

Books have a long history of attracting challenges to their presence on library shelves. Banned Books Week takes place annually during the Fall, with the goals of raising public awareness of book censorship and attempts at censorship, and honoring Americans’ freedom to read materials of their own choosing, a constitutional right guaranteed by the First Amendment. The theme of Banned Books Week 2024 is “Freed Between the Lines.”

Indianapolis’s own Kurt Vonnegut, whose “Slaughterhouse-Five” novel was challenged, banned, and even burned in a North Dakota high school furnace in 1973, had much to say about censorship and attempts to censor books in schools and libraries, including:
“The freedom to choose or reject ideas, to read books of our choice…is the very bedrock of our free society.”

The following list contains challenged and/or banned books in two categories, the American Library Association’s Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2023 and challenged and banned books written by Indiana authors including Kurt Vonnegut, John Green, and Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.

Title - Gender QueerTitle - All Boys ArenTitle - This Book Is GayTitle - The Perks of Being A WallflowerTitle - FlamerTitle - The Bluest EyeTitle - Me and Earl and the Dying GirlTitle - TricksTitle - LetTitle - Sold

Freedom to Read — Local Challenges

In support of the freedom to read, the Indianapolis Public Library seeks to share information about challenged books during banned books week. The books on this list have been challenged locally at the Indianapolis Public Library. We’ve included the reason for the challenges, and a brief description of the library’s response to the challenges. It includes a mix of books for children, teens and adults. Content warning: The descriptions in the list contain mature content.

IndyStar September 24, 2024: Hoosiers Challenged These 346 Books at Indiana Libraries Last Year. Is Your Favorite Listed?

Title - Can We Please Give the Police Department to the Grandmothers?Title - Bridge to TerabithiaTitle - The Little Red WolfTitle - Jacob

To kick off the week in 2023, we celebrated the Freedom to Read with John Green

We hosted #1 New York Times bestselling author and Indianapolis resident, John Green and former Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) educator and Indiana State Senator Andrea Hunley (District 46) on October 2 at Central Library. To a packed house, John and Andrea discussed the importance of protecting our freedom to read. We don’t have a recording of John’s talk but can share eight memorable highlights:

  • What we read shapes what we think. The best example of this in a book is Fahrenheit 451.

  • Libraries don’t exist for everyone to be comfortable with every book in the library. I have profound disagreements with some books in the library, and that’s ok.

  • When people tell you who they are, believe them.

  • There is power in the story. Structures of power try to take stories. Books that get banned are often the most needed. We have to fight to keep them in libraries.

  • I am heartened by all the people working on our problems. Look for the people trying to address these problems. Find hope in that.

  • Nothing can be truly neutral, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t work toward an array of voices. You can’t be neutral, but you can be inclusive.

  • If we are going to make progress together, we have to assume a position of a good faith conversation.

Green’s community discussion underscores the importance of unrestricted access to information and the power of literature to challenge conventional norms.

Green’s young adult (YA) novel Looking for Alaska is listed among the American Library Association’s most banned books in 2022, and it has been referenced in nationwide discussions on book banning and reshelving in schools and public libraries. His YA novel, The Fault In Our Stars, has also been challenged and pulled from the shelves of school library collections and public libraries.

At The Indianapolis Public Library, Green’s titles are on the shelf in the Teen collection, circulating and in demand. Listen to The Indianapolis Public Library’s CEO, Gregory A. Hill, Sr., share The Library’s role in protecting a community’s freedom to read.

“When we ban books, we’re closing readers off to people, places, and perspectives. But when we stand up for stories, we unleash the power that lies inside every book. We liberate the array of voices that need to be heard and the scenes that need to be seen.” The American Library Association

WFYI Presents a Documentary: Read or Restrict

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Conservative activists and parents have put pressure on local schools and library boards to remove certain books from their collections. Many of the targeted titles feature LGBTQ and other minority characters, beloved by young adult readers who want to see themselves reflected in literature. Critics of these titles label them as obscene or inappropriate for kids. But who gets to decide? 

The film includes interviews with:

  • Jason Aukerman, Center for Ray Bradbury Studies
  • Micah Beckwith, Life Church & former Hamilton County Library board member
  • Jonathan Friedman, PEN America
  • Leah Johnson, Young Adult novelist and owner of Loudmouth Books
  • Diane Rogers, Indiana Library Federation
  • Jim Tomes, Indiana Senator

Watch the documentary Read or Restrict. Aired March 12, 2023.

Dig Deeper

If you want to dig deeper about our mission as a library you can read the Library Bill of Rights stating the rights of library users to intellectual freedom and the role public libraries play to support those rights. For more information about banned and challenged books, visit You might also find interesting The Freedom to Read Statement, which explains why the freedom to read is essential to our democracy. To learn more, browse our book list How Censorship Impacts the First Amendment. IndyPL’s own Materials Selection Policy is also available.

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Choose one of these outstanding books by authors whose writing is made unique and compelling by the ancestry they trace to Spain, Mexico, Central America, South American or other Spanish-speaking country in the Caribbean. Read one, listen to one, suggest one for your book club, or read one to your child or class!

Explore more ways you can visit the Library or use your library card to join in the celebration of Hispanic history and culture during Hispanic Heritage Month.

1. Download and stream books by Hispanic and Latino authors.

Choose e-booksaudiobooksmusicmovies, or e-comics on Hoopla from their Hispanic Heritage Month Collection. Hoopla is one of our digital borrowing platforms. It includes materials for all ages. You can borrow 10 Items each month from Hoopla using your IndyPL Library card. If you have never borrowed from Hoopla before, Hoopla directions are available as well as a Hoopla video tutorial.

You can also stream movies from Kanopy’s Hispanic American Collection. Kanopy is one of our streaming movie platforms. It has movies and TV shows for all ages. You can borrow 20 Items each month from Kanopy using your IndyPL Library card. If you have never borrowed from Kanopy before review these Kanopy directions or watch a Kanopy video tutorial.

Need help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. Additionally, the Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

2. Check out a book by a Hispanic or Latino author.

3. Get reading recommendations from IndyPL staff.

For Adults:

For Kids:

For Teens:

4. Read an award winner.

Find many books to share with children in our collection of Pura Belpre Medal winners. This medal is awarded each year for both writing and illustration to recognize literature that best celebrates the Latino cultural experience. Try one of the winners:

5. Use your IndyPL Library card to login to Novelist Plus.

Novelist Plus makes finding books by Latine authors easier. Browse recommendations, read-alikes, series lists, reviews, and lists of award-winning books all by latine authors on Novelist. Select the option to “Check Availability” to see if a book is available to borrow from IndyPL. Click on a book cover to read a brief description. See star ratings,and get ideas for read alikes.

6. Subscribe to a Spanish newsletter from NextReads.

Subscribe to NextReads to receive reading recommendation in your inbox monthly for help finding books in Spanish by Hispanic and Latino authors. Book suggestions are linked to our catalog for easy requesting. It’s FREE! See a sample issue and Subscribe to NextReads!

e-Books & Audiobooks

Browse OverDrive’s Amish and Mennonite fiction collection of e-books and downloadable audiobooks you can borrow with your IndyPL library card.

Amish & Mennonite Fiction Authors

Find a book discussion near you!

You are invited to join in one of our many in-person or online book discussions that take place several times each month. In our book discussion groups we read and talk about both fiction and non-fiction books. We express our opinions (both likes and dislikes!) with other avid readers in the city. You might get even more reading ideas on If You Like Christian Fiction.

  • Event: Zine Salon
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, March 25, 6:00pm
  • Location: East 38th Street Branch
  • Description: Spend some time reading, talking about, and making zines. We’ll pass around and read five selected titles.  If you need to wait while others read, use one of our kits to draw, write, and make a zine of your own.
  • Register Here
  • Event: Virtual Author Talk: Dreams We Chase
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, March 26, 7:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description: You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades.
  • Register Here
  • Event: WitLITS Book Discussion Group
  • Date & Time: Friday, March 28, 10:30am
  • Location: Spades Park Branch
  • Description: A read aloud group exploring classic literature in a group reading. Do you like classic American Literature? Do you enjoy listening to literature read out loud? Then consider WitLITS where our bookclub requires one thing – show up. No reading at home, no worries about not being caught up.
  • No Registration Required.

Need help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

In hard times and in stressful times, reading does not solve all of our concerns and worries, but it can help. Here are some of the ways we are using books to get through this tough period.

I just can’t focus…how am I supposed to read?

Listen, we hear you. When our attention spans are exactly the length of one tik-tok video, we use these tips to get back into reading.

Picture books aren’t just for kids.

Reading something that is beautifully illustrated and has fewer words per page helps us to get our minds re-engaged. Check out some of our suggestions:

Try a new genre.

We tend to have go-to genres but when we are stressed or tired, we might try a new subject or type of book to engage our brains differently. Here are some picks by genre:

Switch how you are reading.

Perhaps you only read print books? Try to read an e-book or explore an audiobook. Or have you only read on a Kindle for the last couple of years? Try listening to an audiobook through your phone or pick up a print book through our curbside pickup.

Reread a favorite.

Our librarian Carri says, “I like to reread books I’ve loved in the past. Mostly giant fantasy epics or other series where I feel like I know the characters well.”

“Reading has been an escape for me — but I am choosing books that allow me to escape because that’s what I need right now.” – Crystal, Library patron

Stop the Scroll

Numerous studies have proven that the more time that we spend on social media, the more we tend to be anxious. We are too distracted by every notification on our cell phones, every text message vibration, or email alert. How many hours have you spent this week aimlessly surfing social media? We don’t want to incriminate ourselves but we’re pretty sure our weekly screen time report could be included as evidence in a trial on why our brains can’t stay focused on one task. Use these tips to help curtail your scrolling time (except the Library’s social media- you should definitely be following us).

  • Before bed, instead of logging onto social media to doomscroll, open up the Libby App and dive into an e-book instead of going down an anxiety rabbit hole.
  • Waiting in a line or before an appointment? Carry a book on you and instead of grabbing your cell phone, grab the book instead. We especially like to carry an e-reader on us since they give us endless possibilities for reading.
  • Swap out your internet browsing time for an educational app instead. Rebuild those lost foreign language skills with Mango Languages, build new skills with LinkedIn Learning, or watch a craft tutorial on Creativebug and then make it. All free with your library card.

“Reading is a learning adventure and escape. When I discover a new author and I really like them I read more of their books and then I also want to find out more about that author” – Theresa, Librarian

Books Can Help Us Feel and Help Us Start Conversations

Books can help us feel different. We turn to books when we want a good laugh or when we want a good cry. Books can help us to express the feelings that we want to feel but more importantly, they can help us to express the feelings that we need to feel.

Books can help us escape. When the days feel long and the wind chill is Arctic, escape to a sunny paradise or get lost on an island. Travel the world or explore a new galaxy without ever leaving your couch or treadmill.

Reading can help us start conversations with friends, family members, and medical professionals. If how you or a loved one is feeling right now is more than the pandemic-blahs, reading can be a way to start a discussion or go into a doctor’s appointment with more information. Reading helps us gain knowledge but also empathy. Here are just a few of the lists that the IndyPL staff has put together on health and wellness: