Imagine Your Story! Close your eyes and picture yourself crawling through caves, climbing ocean cliffs, making the game winning basket, winning a singing competition, or outsmarting a fire breathing dragon! Stories can take you places you have never been to do amazing things. Sometimes the places have never really existed, like Hogwarts, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have wonderful adventures there! For an afternoon of fun, try these imagination activities.

Listen to a Story

Dragons are a favorite character in many imaginary stories. They can be fierce, or funny, or loyal companions. Here are five favorite dragon stories you can read or listen to online as well as two more about magical, enchanting places and the adventures that happen there. Click on a book cover to read or listen to the story.

title - My Father's Dragontitle - The Dragon Machinetitle - When A Dragon Moves intitle - There Was An Old Dragon Who Swallowed A Knighttitle - How to Train your Dragon

My Father’s Dragon is the story of a boy who runs away from home to rescue a baby dragon. He can talk to animals, he travels to an exotic island, he battles alligators, and he hopes to take home a baby dragon! You can read My Father’s Dragon as an e-book or follow along below as it is read aloud.

Here are three more award winners about fantastical adventures in imaginary places. The Graveyard Book is about a boy raised in a graveyard by the ghosts who live there! Sylvester and the Magic Pebble is the story of a donkey who makes an unintentional wish, turning himself into a pebble. And Where the Wild Things Are is the story of a boy who takes a magical journey, all while stuck in his room after being sent there for being a wild thing! Click on a book cover to read or listen to the story.

title - The Graveyard Booktitle - Sylvester and the Magic Pebbletitle - Where the Wild Things Are

Imagination Activities

Try one of these online or printable activities at home to learn more about dragons. Imagine having a dragon for a friend. What kind of adventures would you have together? Imagine your own dragon story and then draw pictures to go with it!

Embrace Imagination and Curiosity

Here are some favorite books for imaginative and curious minds. These books invite us to look past our everyday lives, to ask questions about the world around us, and to open our minds to the fanstastical!

Title - The Midnight FairTitle - I WonderTitle - LiftTitle - The Year We Learned to Fly

Need help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. Additionally, the Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

For kids who love to draw, two illustrators of favorite books for kids offer online classes for hours of creative fun! Start drawing today by tuning in to these drawing shows or by checking out an e-book with your IndyPL library card.

Mo Willems

Mo Willems, creator of Knuffle Bunny, the Pigeon books, and the Elephant and Piggie books, hosts a writing show called Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems. See the Lunch Doodles Playlist.

Jarrett Krosoczka

Jarrett Krosoczka, author of Hey Kiddo as well as the graphic novel series Lunch Lady and Jedi Academy hosts Draw Every Day with JJK. Browse his YouTube page for all kinds of drawing tutorials and prompts.

Drawing Books:

We have a lot of drawing books for kids at the library. You can find one for just about any interest you have. Learn to draw NASCAR, forest animals, sea creatures, cartoon characters, buildings and much more. Some of the books feature simple cartoon style drawings and others, for more experienced artists, go into great detail. Each one includes step-by-step directions though, so even if you are a beginner you can create some pretty amazing pictures!

Use your indyPL Library Card to check out drawing books at any of our locations, or check out drawing e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use e-books and learn how to use audiobooks.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. Additionally, the Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Video Read Alouds about Drawing

Just click on one of the book covers to hear the story.

title - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entry

How to Draw Favorite Book Character Printables

Physicists study matter – all of the “stuff” in the universe and how that “stuff” moves. One of the most famous physicists of all time was Sir Isaac Newton. Sir Isaac is most famous for explaining gravity, a concept we are so familiar with now it seems obvious to us. He is also famous for explaining how stuff moves in his Three Laws of Motion. Today we are going to look at Newton’s First Law of Motion called Inertia. This law states that a still object will stay still unless a force pushes or pulls it. A moving object will stay moving unless a force pushes or pulls it.

Gravity and friction are forces that constantly push and pull the “stuff” on earth. So, when we roll a ball, it slowly comes to a stop. On the moon, where there is less gravity and friction, “stuff” floats, and keeps floating. Try one of the experiments below to see Newton’s first law of motion in action.


Websites, Activites & Printables:

You can ask a math and science expert for homework help by calling the Ask Rose Homework Hotline. They provide FREE math and science homework help to Indiana students in grades 6-12.

e-Books and Audiobooks

Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Sir Isaac Newton at any of our locations, or check out Sir Isaac Newton e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use e-books and learn how to use audiobooks.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. Additionally, the Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Newton’s Laws of Motion: The Science Behind How Things Move

Newton’s Laws of Motion explain force and motion, or why things move the way they do. They are great concepts to explore by doing a science experiment. These are especially good science project ideas for kids who like to move! The concepts can often be explained using sports equipment or by understanding how amusement park rides work. These books offer ideas for physics experiments that demonstrate force and motion and the laws that govern them. Some of them provide the background information needed for the report that is often required to go with projects for the science fair.

Title - Force and MotionTitle - Isaac Newton and the Laws of MotionTitle - Physics for Curious KidsTitle - Sir Isaac NewtonTitle - The Gravity TreeTitle - Janice VanCleaveTitle - The Secret Science of SportsTitle - Fairground PhysicsTitle - Gravity ExplainedTitle - Awesome Physics Experiments for KidsTitle - Sir Isaac NewtonTitle - A Crash Course in Forces and Motion With Max Axiom, Super Scientist

Looking for ideas for a science experiments? Here are several ideas that use materials easily found in your house. A couple of them might require a trip to the grocery store or pharmacy, but mostly you can just raid the garage, kitchen or medicine chest for the ingredients. Many experiments you will want to do OUTSIDE. Each one will give you directions as well as suggest websites and books to help you understand what science is at work during the experiment.

Science Experiment Ideas:

Density: Buoyancy
Miscible Molecules: Lava Bottle
Polymers: Poke Holes in a Ziploc or Cornstarch & Borax Goo
Saturation: Baking Soda Crystals
Soluability: Sharpie Pen Tie Dye
Supersaturated: Borax Crystals
Surface Tension: Bubbles or Sand Castles

Acids: Bouncing Egg
Chemical Bond: Kool Aid Tie Dye
Chemical Reaction: Exploding Ziploc
Mixtures: Black Ink Chromatography

Melting Point: DIY Slushie
Heated Gases Expand: Ivory Soap

Aerodynamics: Paper Airplanes
Centripetal Force: Hex in a Balloon
Newton’s First Law of Motion, Newton’s Second Law of Motion, and Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Potential & Kinetic Energy: Marshmallow Catapult

Hydrologic (Water) Cycle: Make a Terrarium


Here are some websites that have great step-by-step directions and photographs for planning great science experiments.

You can also ask a math and science expert for homework help by calling the Ask Rose Homework Hotline. They provide FREE math and science homework help to Indiana students in grades 6-12.  

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Books for Kids for a Stress-less Science Fair

Here are books to help you pick a science fair experiment that (1) follows the scientific method, (2) uses stuff you can find around the house, and (3) is great fun to do! The books will also help you understand what you are seeing by explaining the science concepts behind the dramatic results.

Title - Stay Curious and Keep Exploring: Next LevelTitle - Home Activity LabTitle - The Simple Science Activity BookTitle - Science Magic Tricks for KidsTitle - Great STEM ProjectsTitle - Get Smelly With Science!Title - Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures Activity LabTitle - Kate the ChemistTitle - Janice VanCleaveTitle - Experiment With Outdoor ScienceTitle - Excellent EngineeringTitle - The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments

Mad Science for Kids

An assortment of science experiments about fossils, dinosaurs, and rocks, oh my!

Title - LetTitle - GeologyTitle - Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures Activity LabTitle - Earth Science

We have thousands of audiobooks for kids on various platforms. All can be checked out instantly with a library card. Each audiobook platform is unique. You can learn how to use each platform below.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. Additionally, the Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Audiobooks for Kids from OverDrive/Libby

You can borrow up to 20 titles using your IndyPL Library card from OverDrive Kids. If you have never borrowed from OverDrive before both OverDrive/Libby app directions and OverDrive browser directions are available as well as an OverDrive video tutorial and Overdrive Support.

Here are some quick shortcuts to OverDrive’s audiobook collections for kids.

Skip the Wait!

Hold lines can get very long for new and popular titles. Here are two helpful links for young readers: No Wait, No Problem Audiobooks for Kids and No Wait No Problem e-Books for Teens.

Audiobooks for Kids from Hoopla

You can borrow 10 Items each month using your IndyPL Library card. If you have never borrowed from Hoopla before Hoopla directions are available as well as a Hoopla video tutorial.

Here are some quick short cuts to some of Hoopla’s audiobook read along collections:

Skip the Wait!

Hoopla Bonus Borrows Logo

You don’t have to put Hoopla titles on hold, you are allowed to borrow whatever titles you want, up to 10 per month.

However, if you’ve already read your 10 monthly borrows, Hoopla frequently offers Bonus Borrows. Bonus Borrows don’t count against your monthly borrowing limit – look for them on Hoopla.

Audiobooks for Kids from Kanopy Kids

Kanopy Kids has one collection of read along picture books in their Kanopy Story Time collection. Read them in a computer browser or in the Kanopy app. Videos from the Kanopy Kids section do not require any play credits to view. Feel free to watch as many videos from Kanopy Kids as you’d like without seeing a reduction in your play credits! If you have never borrowed from Kanopy before here are some Kanopy directions and a Kanopy video tutorial.

Audiobooks for Kids from Tumblebooks

You can read Tumblebook read alongs in a computer browser or the Tumblebook Library app. If you have never borrowed from the Tumblebook Library before here is a Tumblebooks video tutorial to help you get started. Here are three examples of the read along stories you can find in the Tumblebook Read Along Library. See the full list of Tumblebook read alongs. The best thing about Tumblebooks – there are no loan limits and no waiting!

title - Biscuittitle - I Love My Pursetitle - Lola at the Library

Audiobooks for Kids from LOTE4Kids

LOTE4Kids is a digital collection of picture books (e-books and e-audiobooks) in over 70 world languages with an English version available for all books. The collection is for ages 3-8.

Audio Enabled Books for Kids

If your kids like e-book read alongs try our audio enabled book collection – print books that have an audio player permanently attached to them. Children simply push a button to listen and read. The next time you visit one of our libraries, ask where the audio enabled books for kids shelf is or browse the list of all of all our audio enabled books for kids.

Free Audiobooks that Don’t Require a Library Card

World Book Day Free Audiobooks
World Book Day’s World of Stories audiobook collection get refreshed frequently. Audiobooks are taken down after 6 months and then are replaced with new ones so check back often for new stories.

Audible’s Free Audiobook Library for Kids
Audible, Amazon’s audiobook library, offers free audiobook streams on a select number of children’s stories. See the Free Audible Library. The books are separated into six categories: “Littlest Listeners,” “Elementary,” “Tween,” “Teen,” “Literary Classics” and “Folk & Fairy Tales for All.” Books are available in English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese and Italian.

Free Video Read Alouds Online
Children also shouldn’t miss these outstanding opportunities to hear old classics like Where the Wild Things Are or a newer favorite like Little Jumbo, often read aloud by the book’s author or a celebrity reader. It isn’t library story time…but you will still hear “I want to hear it again!”

In the month of May in Indianapolis attention is focused at The Indianapolis Motor Speedway, or less formally, “The Brickyard,” or as we simply call it here at home, “the track.” It is time for the Indy 500!

If you sit outside in Indianapolis on a spring day in May and the wind is just right in relation to where you are, you can hear the distant high-pitched hum of cars practicing, careening around the track. On race day you can see other signs that something big is happening. If you look up you can see the Goodyear blimp floating above the city giving the world a birds-eye view, or at start time, watch the fighter jets fly in formation over the city, both traditions leading up to “Drivers, start your engines!”

While you wait for this year’s race, have fun learning about the history, physics and amazing records of the greatest spectacle in racing – the Indianapolis 500! The Spectacle is a complete history of the Indianapolis 500. It includes a hundred year’s worth of memories from legendary drivers and details about memorable races. It’s like you were in the pits yourself watching the drama unfold. Listed below are online activities and books about the Indy 500 you can check out with your IndyPL library card. You can even learn how to draw or build a race car of your own!

Websites, Printables & Activities

e-Books & Audiobooks

Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about car racing at any of our locations, or check out car racing e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Need help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

ABCMouse (Inside Our Locations Only)

ABCmouse learning platform for kids example shown on a mobile phone.

ABCmouse is an online learning platform for children ages 2-8 that offers e-books as well as educational activities, games, and videos. ABCmouse has a library with over 450 traditional and original stories. Learn more about the books in the ABCmouse library.

Access to ABCmouse is available inside our locations only.

Look for ABCmouse on all our public computers. You can also open ABCmouse on your own device while you are in one of our locations. ABCmouse will also work in the library on iPads, Android tablets, and many smartphones with the ABCmouse app:

Online Games Recommended by the Learning Curve at Central Library.

Visit the Learning Curve in person! From games to story times to art programs, and even an area for teens only, the Learning Curve offers a unique blend of digital and traditional library materials and programming for youth ages 0-18. Our interactive activities are aligned with academic standards and incorporate a variety of technologies to ensure a dynamic, hands-on learning experience. Enjoy this list of our favorite online games!


BrainPOP: Games
Lessons and games on a variety of subjects.

BrainPOP Games: Sortify Inventions
Sort the inventions into categories, or form pairs or sequences for extra points.

Famobi Games: 123 Puzzle
What number comes next in the sequence?

Free Rice
Practice subjects like multiplication and vocabulary while donating rice through the UN World Food Programme.

Mr. Nussbaum Learning + Fun
Lessons and games on a variety of subjects.

Mr. Nussbaum: Spellerz
Fend off the invading spaceships with your spelling and typing skills!

Nonograms are like paint-by-number logic puzzles – give it a try!

PBS Kids
Play games and activities with your favorite PBS characters!

Math, language arts, and seasonal games for kids pre-K through Grade 3.

A clever platform video game – stop time to solve each level!

Create interactive stories, games, and puzzles.


Google Arts & Culture
Make interactive art and music, visit thousands of museums and landmarks around the world, and play games.

Google Arts & Culture: Blob Opera
Machine learning meets classical composition techniques – conduct your own 4-voice choir.

Met Museum: MetKids
Explore the Met museum with a “Where’s Waldo”-inspired interactive map.

Modular Mindset: Car Drawing Game
Draw and simple vehicle and solve each level.


Colonial Williamsburg: Explore from Home
Visit and learn more about Colonial Williamsburg and 17th-18th century American life.

The Anne Frank House: Web and Digital
Visit the Anne Frank house online and learn more about this extraordinary girl, her life, and legacy.

Science & Engineering Games: Bridge Designer
Build a bridge to safely get loads across! Games: Dynamic Systems
Think like an engineer to solve each level. Games: Factory Balls Forever
Changing only one thing at a time, prepare each ball to match and ship out.

Exploratorium: Science Snacks
Hands-on STEAM projects using everyday materials.

Exploratorium Tinker Lab
Tinker and create with projects from San Francisco’s Exploratorium Museum.

MIT: Scratch Coding Lab
Play and create games and animations using block-based coding language (and join the Learning Curve Scratch Studio!) Rolling Cheese
Guide the cheese to the hungry mouse by destroying objects that are in the way.

Scientific American + Science Buddies
At-home STEM projects, experiments, and lessons.

Cuando estás de vacaciones, haciendo mandados, o fuera de casa, leer historias convierte las horas de espera en momentos de diversión. ¡Es la hora del cuento en línea! Nuestra biblioteca de cuentos está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Disfruta de tus historias favoritas en cualquier momento. Haz clic en la portada de un libro para leer o escuchar cuentos en español. Sumérgete en la magia de la lectura.

Para fomentar el gusto de los niños por las historias, explora más recursos. Consulta la International Children’s Literature Database: Los Libros en Español. Este recurso ofrece una rica colección de literatura infantil en español. Además, Uniteforliteracy: Los Libros en Español proporciona una selección de libros con narración en español, ideales para que los niños disfruten mientras desarrollan sus habilidades de escucha. También puedes visitar Plaza Sésamo en Español. Presenta cuentos y actividades educativas en un formato atractivo. Estos recursos mantienen a los niños entretenidos y comprometidos con la lectura.

No te pierdas la Hora del Cuento Bilingüe – Español. Únete a la Señora Laura para una sesión de cuentacuentos en inglés y español. Los preescolares disfrutarán de libros, canciones y juegos que fomentan el amor por la lectura y el aprendizaje de nuevos idiomas. Esta experiencia bilingüe es una oportunidad para que los niños se sumerjan en historias cautivadoras y desarrollen habilidades en ambos idiomas. ¡No te lo pierdas!

¿Necesitas ayuda? Llame o pregunte a un miembro del personal de la biblioteca en cualquiera de nuestras ubicaciones o envíe un mensaje de texto a un bibliotecario al 317 333-6877.

title - Blank Entrytitle - Babies nursetitle - Good Night, Mr. Pandatitle - Blank Entrytitle - Chato y los amigos pachanguerostitle - Chato y su cenatitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Danielito y el dinosaurotitle - Dias Y Diastitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Jajá, jijí, cuactitle - Jorge el Curioso monta en bicicletatitle - José el Chéveretitle - Blank Entrytitle - Leo, el retono tardiotitle - Maria Had A Little Llamatitle - Mario y el agujero en el cielotitle - Martí's Song for Freedom/ Martí Y Sus Versos Por La Libertadtitle - Max viaja a la Lunatitle - Maya's Blankettitle - My Name Is Celiatitle - Mike Mulligan y su maquina maravillosatitle - La nevera de Maddititle - ¡Olinguito, de la A a la Z!title - Blank Entrytitle - Owentitle - Blank Entrytitle - Un pato en tractortitle - Pato para presidentetitle - El puntotitle - Qué montón de tamales!title - Blank Entrytitle - Sam y el dinero de la suertetitle - Señorita Mariposatitle - La señorita Runfiotitle - Silvestre y la piedrecita magicatitle - Blank Entrytitle - Strega Nonatitle - Blank Entrytitle - Los zombis no comen verduras!

Historias en Español – Hora de Cuentos Bilingüe

Children have long cherished graphic novels and comic books for their vibrant storytelling and imaginative adventures. Among these beloved titles is the Dog Man series, a perennial favorite that combines humor, action, and unique characters. Dog Man is not your average hero; he’s a brave policeman who also happens to be a dog! This extraordinary blend of canine traits and crime-fighting skills makes him a standout character as he battles his arch-nemesis, an evil cat with nefarious plans. This villain’s ultimate scheme involves destroying all books to make the world “supa dumb,” adding a thrilling twist to the series.

Dive into the complete Dog Man series to follow all of Dog Man’s daring escapades and clever strategies as he seeks to thwart his adversary’s evil plots. Additionally, enhance the fun with our engaging Dog Man Activity Sheets, designed to extend the adventure and offer interactive ways to enjoy the series. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the world of Dog Man, these resources provide endless entertainment and excitement for young readers.

Graphic novels have evolved far beyond their superhero origins, showcasing a rich tapestry of stories and diverse characters. In this curated list, you’ll discover narratives set in a variety of intriguing locations, each offering a unique perspective and engaging plot. From historical epics to contemporary tales, these graphic novels present a range of experiences and backgrounds.

Additionally, if you’re interested in classic hero adventures, explore our collection titled ‘Superhero Storytime Online.’ It celebrates the dynamic and enduring appeal of superhero stories. Explore these selections to experience the full spectrum of graphic novel storytelling.

Reading Recommendations from Our Staff

Browse our curated book lists to discover some of our top picks, and then delve into even more recommendations from our knowledgeable staff. Whether you’re searching for your next great read or seeking inspiration, our lists and expert suggestions offer a wealth of options to suit every interest and reading preference.

Staff Picks 2024 – Best of Graphic Novels for Kids

Some of our staff’s favorite graphic novels they read and enjoyed in 2024.

Title - Blood City RollersTitle - Plain Jane and the MermaidTitle - Continental DrifterTitle - Falling in Love With A Traveling Cat

If You Like Dog Man

Dav Pilkey has created a bunch of readers out there with not only Dog Man, but Captain Underpants and his Cat Kid Comic series. If your young reader is head over heels for Dog Man, we have gathered a few titles – both graphic novels and novels – to try. We picked them because they have certain features or a combination of features that Pilkey fans might enjoy such as: humor, adventure, action, characters with imagination or superpowers and/or engaging plot.

Title - When Pigs FlyTitle - The Bad GuysTitle - Mighty JackTitle - Big Nate

Graphic Novels About Space

Get ready for space camp! These fun and informative graphic novels will entertain even the most stubborn rocket scientist.

Title - Sanity & TallulahTitle - Solar SystemTitle - The Great Space CaseTitle - Zita the Spacegirl

If You Liked Smile by Raina Telgemeier

If you liked Smile you might like these because they also use humor to talk about growing up, fitting in, making friends, and the importance of being true to yourself. And if you liked Smile, you’ll like the other books by Raina too–Sisters, Guts, Ghosts, Drama, and the Babysitters Club graphic novels!

Title - TwinsTitle - FreestyleTitle - AwkwardTitle - Real Friends

Heroes with Tails: Dog Man and 25+ Other Graphic Novel Favorites

Title - Dog ManTitle - The Wolf in UnderpantsTitle - The Mutts Summer DiariesTitle - Top Dog

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian.

The poet James Whitcomb Riley was born in Greenfield, Indiana on October 7, 1849. To give you an idea how long ago that was, he was about 12 years old when the U.S. Civil War started. Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell were both born around the same time. At the time of his death on July 22, 1916, Riley was a beloved figure across the country, but especially so in Indiana. Many of his poems were funny. People really liked that. During his life he traveled the country giving live shows reading his poetry. In his time, he was a rock star!

James Whitcomb Riley’s death was such news it made front page headlines in major newspapers all across the country. One of the newspaper headlines about his funeral said, “35,000 People Pass Casket of Indiana Poet”. That is a lot of people paying their respects.

Riley Recordings

During Riley’s life people did not have radios in their homes yet. In order to listen to music or readings people used a hand cranked phonograph machine to listen to audio recordings on cylinders. Today you can play a digital file of an audiobook on your phone or computer. In 1912 Riley recorded poetry readings for the Victor Talking Machine Company so that people could listen at home. You can listen to old Riley Recordings in The Library’s digital collection. Open the James Whitcomb Riley Recordings to listen to the man himself reading his own poetry.

James Whitcomb Riley Books

Mr. Riley’s most famous poems for children were and still are, “Raggedy Man,” “The Little Orphant Annie,” “When the Frost is on the Punkin,” and “The Old Swimmin’ Hole.” You can read them right now in these free e-books from IUPUI. I recommend the deliciously scary “The Little Orphant Annie.” Annie is a great storyteller! She tells the story of why you better mind your parents because “The gobble-uns’ll git you ef you don’t watch out!” To read it click on the first book below, Riley Child Rhymes, and then click on page 23.

title - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entry

Websites, Activities & Printables:

In the spirit of another beloved Hoosier, David Letterman:

Top 10 Ways to Know James Whitcomb Riley was a Rock Star of his Time:

10. His book Rhymes of Childhood, published in 1912, can still be found today over 100 years later. Find it at the library or go to an online bookstore. There are not very many books still available from that long ago!

9. In the late 1890s Riley encouraged the African American poet Paul Laurence Dunbar. He wrote Dunbar a letter of recommendation that helped get Dunbar’s work published.

8. When Riley died, the President of the United states, Woodrow Wilson, and the Vice-President of the United States, Thomas Riley Marshall (who was from Columbia City, Indiana), both sent messages of condolence to his family. The Governor of Indiana allowed Riley to lay in state at The Indiana Statehouse Rotunda so that people could come pay their respects. Until that time, only Abraham Lincoln had been honored in that way.

7. Greenfield, IN, his birthplace, and Indianapolis, IN, his home for over 20 years, fought over the location of Riley’s grave. Over Riley’s Dead Body: Indy’s Weirdest Civic Fight. Indianapolis won. He grave is at Crown Hill Cemetery in a tomb at the top of a hill, the highest point in Indianapolis.

6. Both Riley’s boyhood home in Greenfield, IN and his adult home in Indianapolis, IN are museums and on the National Register of Historic Places.

5. Named in his honor, the James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children opened in 1924. In 1955 the hospital added Camp Riley, a camp for youth with disabilities.

4. In 1940, the U.S. Postal Service issued a 10-cent stamp honoring Riley.

3. Commissioned in 1942 during World War II, the cargo ship SS James Whitcomb Riley bears his name.

2. There used to be a Hoosier Poet Brand of coffee, oatmeal, vegetables, cigars and more.

1. James Whitcomb Riley donated the land Central Library is built on. The bronze gates at the main entrance on St. Clair Street were purchased with pennies donated by children. The bronze tablets on each of the iron gates say: The gates are the gift of the children of Indianapolis in loving remembrance of their friend James Whitcomb Riley

Famous Hoosiers for Kids

A look at an interesting group of the Indiana born or raised who have contributed to the history and life of the state and the nation from a millionaire businesswoman to a Disney animator to a lighthouse keeper (in Indiana!) as well as a U.S. President. #indyplkids

Title - Bill PeetTitle - John GreenTitle - Major Taylor, Champion CyclistTitle - Seed by Seed

Have you ever seen a “shooting” or “falling” star? These streaks of light are not actually stars at all, but space rocks falling through the earth’s atmosphere. These rocks, called meteoroids or meteors, rub against particle’s in the earth’s atmosphere as they fall. This creates friction, making the meteor extremely hot. Usually, the meteors become so hot they burn up and disappear before hitting the earth. The flame of that burning up is what we see and what makes meteors look like a star falling out of the sky. A meteor that survives its journey through the atmosphere and lands on the earth, is a meteorite.

At certain times of year we can see a lot of meteors all at once because the earth is passing through a field of space rocks. These times of year are called “meteor showers” because so many space rocks are falling through the earth’s atmosphere at one time. Each year in late summer the Earth passes through a trail of dust and debris left by an ancient comet called Comet Swift-Tuttle. This creates a lot of meteors that look like they are coming from the constellation Perseus. That’s we we call this time of year the Perseid Meteor Shower.

In 2023 the Perseid Meteor Shower will occur from July 17to August 24, and be at its peak around August 13.

The best way to see meteors is to go outside after dark when meteor showers are predicted, like the Perseid Meteor Shower, lie on your back and look straight up. You might have to wait. Bring a good snack like popcorn!

This meteorite is an Artifact at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. “Meteorites are one of the few extraterrestrial, from outer space, materials scientists have to study. Most meteorites found on the ground are iron, which are very dense and appear quite different from ordinary rock. This is a Gibeon meteorite made up mostly of iron and nickel.”

Websites, Activities & Printables:

You can also ask a math and science expert for homework help by calling the Ask Rose Homework Hotline. They provide FREE math and science homework help to Indiana students in grades 6-12.

Meteor Showers in Books

Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about meteors at any of our locations, or check out meteor e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. Additionally, the Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

What to Read

title - On the Night of the Shooting Startitle - Exploring Meteor Showerstitle - How the Meteorite Got to the Museumtitle - Rocket Says Look Up!

The water on the earth is in constant motion. Water falls to the earth as rain and then evaporates back up into the air forming clouds. Evaporation is the process that changes liquid (like water) to gas (water vapor in the air). Water vapor in the air forms tiny droplets. When there are a bunch of these droplets clouds form. When a bunch of the droplets stick together raindrops form and fall back to earth again. After the rain falls, some of it soaks into the earth, and some of it evaporates into the air again. This cycle is call the hydrologic or water cycle. You can build construct a DIY terrarium and observe the water cycle in it.

Make a DIY Terrarium

To see how the hydrologic cycle works you can make your own miniature model of the earth in a terrarium. A terrarium is a little garden inside a clear, sealed plastic or glass container. A canning jar is a common glass container with a lid that might be easy to find at home. You can probably find the other things you need for your terrarium in your own backyard: small stones go in the bottom of the container, dirt, and a small plant or two. Look in shady areas for moss, it grows really well in a terrarium! You can also plant seeds and watch them grow.

Here are two videos that will help you. One explains how the water cycle works and the other will take you through step-by-step directions for building your own DIY terrarium.

What You Need

  • a Clear Plastic or Glass Container With a Lid
  • Stones
  • Soil
  • Plants
  • Water
  • Little Toys for Decoration (optional)


After planting, add enough water just to moisten the soil. You don’t want to flood your garden. You don’t want standing water in the bottom of the container. When you poor water into your terrarium you are starting the water cycle. Eventually, it will “rain” in the little glass world you have made! When you set your terrarium in the sun the water inside the terrarium will heat up and turn into water vapor in the air. This is called evaporation. When the water cools back down, it turns back into a liquid. You will see condensation – water droplets – sticking to the lid of your terrarium. If the drops get large enough, they will roll down the sides of the container or fall from the lid – rain!

The close-up on the left shows the condensation that began to form on the inside of the jar after only 1 hour sitting in the sun. If there is too much water just open the lid and let some of the water evaporate into the air outside the container. If your plants look wilted or dry, try adding a little more water. It might take some trial and error to get the amount of water needed just right.

Science Experiment Idea

Make three identical terrariums. You have to use the same kind of container, the same amount of soil & the same plants. Make your variable (the thing you are going to test) the amount of water you put into the terrariums. Measure a different amount of water into each terrarium. Close the lids and watch the terrariums over several days to see which amount of water made the best environment for your plants. A terrarium with too little water will have dry plants. A terrarium with too much water will have plants with yellow leaves and maybe even mold growing on the soil!

Websites, Activities & Printables

You can also ask a math and science expert for homework help by calling the Ask Rose Homework Hotline. They provide FREE math and science homework help to Indiana students in grades 6-12.

e-Books & Audiobooks

Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about plants at any of our locations, or check out plant e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text or email Ask-a-Librarian. Additionally, the Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Little Indoor Gardens for Kids – Terrariums & the Hydrologic Cycle

To see how the hydrologic (water) cycle works you can make a miniature model of the earth in a terrarium. A terrarium is a little garden inside a clear, sealed plastic or glass container. After making one, you can watch how water evaporates, condenses and rains. Here are some books to help you learn about the hydrologic cycle and put together a terrarium of your own.

Title - A Family Guide to Terrariums for KidsTitle - DropTitle - Water CyclesTitle - The Water LadyTitle - WaterTitle - WaterTitle - How Long Is the Water Cycle?Title - The Water CycleTitle - From Raindrop to TapTitle - Fairy Garden DesignTitle - The Water CycleTitle - The Nitty-gritty Gardening Book

Have you seen one of our IndyPL Bookmobiles driving around Indianapolis? We have two that visit neighborhoods and schools all over the city delivering books to people who don’t have a library branch nearby. Kids love trucks, books, and cozy little spaces – our Bookmobiles are all three! Watch this video to meet one of our book cruising teams, ride on the bookmobile with Emilie and Bruce. Our Bookmobiles are filled with both great books and great people! Happy National Library Outreach Day to Miss Emilie, Mr. Bruce, and all our staff in Outreach!

Bookmobile History

A librarian in Maryland in the early 1900s is credited with coming up with the idea of the first bookmobile. That first one was a horse-drawn wagon. No one had ever seen one of those before! Soon book wagons were appearing in other parts of the country, and by 1922, the book wagon idea was very popular. The bookmobile was born!

  • Bookmobiles: Then and Now – A Fascinating timeline of the evolution of bookmobiles, including the features, technology, and vehicles responsible for bringing library services to the public. Note: green entries on the timeline are bookmobile history in general. Purple entries in the timeline are IndyPL Bookmobile history.
  • 50 Vintage Photos of Libraries on Wheels
  • Indianapolis Public Library Digital Collections: Bookmobiles

We’ve picked our favorite photos from our Digital Collection for this Bookmobile photo gallery. It’s fun to see how our Bookmobiles have changed over the years!

To learn even more about bookmobiles check out one of the books below. Each one tells the story of a bookmobile. You can ride on the bookmobile with Emilie and Bruce or ride a lot of other things to deliver books! Some of them are from a different part of the world where it makes sense to deliver books by boat, burro or camel!

Bookmobiles: On the Road for Reading All Over the World

Book lovers and librarians have loaded up books and taken them on the road for decades. What people use to transport the books depends on where the books need delivered. Bookmobiles can be trucks, boats, bikes, or pack animals! Which animal is chosen depends on where in the world the books are being delivered. Horses, burros and camels are all excellent at book transportation. Here are some of our favorite stories about how mobile libraries get books to people who don’t have a library building nearby.

Title - The Library BusTitle - My Librarian Is A CamelTitle - That Book WomanTitle - The Book BoatTitle - Waiting for the BiblioBurroTitle - Library on WheelsTitle - Miss Dorothy and Her BookmobileTitle - My Librarian Is A CamelTitle - BiblioburroTitle - That Book WomanTitle - The Library BookTitle - Librarian

Picture book read along stories play like a movie and are great for listening practice as well as really fun! You can stream picture book videos free with your IndyPL library card. Illustrations move as you watch the narrated stories. Video picture books are especially convenient for car trips. You can check out several at a time and play them multiple times while you have them checked out. They are perfect for “read it again!”

To stream these videos for kids you will need a Hoopla account. Hoopla is the service the Library uses to deliver these videos to you.

Get Started Streaming Picture Book Videos on Hoopla

Here are a few favorites to get you started, or see Hoopla’s complete list of picture book videos for kids.

Need more help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

title - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entry

There are lots of stories kids can rattle off without even thinking very much. The Three Little PigsThe Three Bears, and Cinderella are examples of some commonly told stories children all over the world often know. Told in different places, the stories take on interesting differences that reflect a country’s environment or culture. Fairy tale variants like these can be great introductions to new places and new people!

Sometimes storytellers like to have fun with a traditional story too. Cinderella plays in a hockey game instead of going to a ball. The Big Bad Wolf tells HIS side of the story. The story happens in a new or unique place. Try one of these for a unique twist on classic tales!

title - The Twelve Dancing Princessestitle - Jacqueline and the Beanstalktitle - The Ninjabread Mantitle - The Egyptian Cinderella

Have fun with fairy tale variants – unique spins on these classics!

Hispanic Retellings of Classic Tales

Here are some favorite classic tales and traditional stories told with details and cultural traditions of the American Southwest, Mexico, Central or South America.

Title - AdelitaTitle - Paco and the giant chile plantTitle - The Runaway TortillaTitle - La Princesa and the PeaTitle - The Pot That Juan BuiltTitle - The Three CabritosTitle - Rubia and the Three OsosTitle - The Three Little JavelinasTitle - Señorita GorditaTitle - The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden StirredTitle - Chachalaca ChiquitaTitle - The Party for Papá Luis

Need help? Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

La Princesa and the Pea

Fairy tale classics like The Princess and the Pea change when set in new locations or told from unique perspectives. La Princesa and the Pea retells this classic tale in Peru. Here, a princess proves her authenticity by sensing a single pea hidden beneath a pile of mattresses.

There are lots of stories like The Princess and the Pea that kids can rattle off without even thinking very much. The Three Little PigsThe Three Bears, and Cinderella are so widely known that children everywhere recognize them. When told in different locations, these stories take on unique variations that reflect the local land and culture.

Juana Martinez-Neal, the illustrator of La Princesa and the Pea, won the 2018 Pura Belpré Award for her exceptional portrayal of cultural identity through illustration. This award recognizes the best work depicting Latino cultural experiences. In La Princesa and the Pea, Martinez-Neal’s illustrations feature authentic Peruvian weaving, similar to the artifacts at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.

As you read the story, examine the illustrations to discover the weaving process. Meanwhile, the tale of the princess unfolds alongside the depiction of a Peruvian setting and the experiences of a young lady there. In addition, classic tales told in this manner offer a chance to see your own culture reflected or explore a different culture. Check out more from the list below!

Use your indyPL Library Card to check out fairy tale classics at any of our locations, or check out e-books and e-audiobooks from home right to your device. Need help? Call or ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or text a librarian at 317 333-6877.

Here are some favorite classic tales and traditional stories told with details and cultural traditions of the American Southwest, Mexico, Central or South America.

Title - AdelitaTitle - Paco and the giant chile plantTitle - The Runaway TortillaTitle - La Princesa and the PeaTitle - The Pot That Juan BuiltTitle - The Three CabritosTitle - Rubia and the Three OsosTitle - The Three Little JavelinasTitle - Señorita GorditaTitle - The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden StirredTitle - Chachalaca ChiquitaTitle - The Party for Papá Luis