Gardening is a great opportunity to practice some planning and organization. Tune in online for a a Gardening Storytime – a great way to read up on beginning gardening projects for kids. When the weather is right, you will be glad you did! For kids, gardening offers a way to get messy and watch the payoff for their hard work, in the form of growing veggies and beautiful flowers. You can say, “Hey! I grew the thing! Look at the thing that I grew! Isn’t it pretty?” Imagine the Instagram fun! And maybe enjoy a little reading too!

Making a connection between gardening and food is an important skill for small children. Where does food come from BEFORE it is in the grocery store? We can help you get started learning about where food comes from. Gardening can supplement any family learning from home opportunities. Get started with Plant the Tiny Seed, by Christie Matheson.


After listening to the gardening storytime, talk about some of the things that happened in the story.

  • Have you ever planted any seeds? Did the seed you planted grow? If they did, what did the seeds grow into?
  • Can you name any seeds that we eat?
  • Can you name the main parts of a plant?
  • How do bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds help plants?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about gardens at any of our locations, or check out gardening e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more video read aloud stories about gardening right now! It’s garden storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Blank Entrytitle - Miss Maple's Seedstitle - Miss Rumphiustitle - Blank Entrytitle - La señorita Runfio

Community Garden Picture Books

The library is flourishing with wonderful picture books about community gardens for kids. You don’t have to have a “green thumb” to thumb through these books!

Title - The Curious GardenTitle - MiguelTitle - The Wild GardenTitle - One Little Lot

How Does Your Garden Grow

This list contains stories and information books all about growing your own garden.

Title - Summer SupperTitle - Weeds Find A WayTitle - Up, Down, and AroundTitle - Grow


Watch how cooperation makes garden grow and sing along, “Together we can make a pretty garden grow!”


Find some crayons or makers to color a picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a walk and read a story, it’s gardening storytime on the go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Snuggle up with your favorite little Valentine and enjoy the story Welcome to the Party, a love letter welcoming a child into the family and into the party of life. This Valentine for small children is read aloud by the book’s author, Gabriella Union. Listed below are more favorite Valentine video read alouds, some @home activities and a list of Valentine favorites about love and Valentine’s Day you can check out with your indyPL library card. We love books and we love sharing them with you! Enjoy Valentine’s Day storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • Why is there a party happening?
  • Who is the guest of honor?
  • Do you like to snuggle? Who do you snuggle with?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Valentine’s Day at any of our locations, or check out Valentine’s Day e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Valentine’s Day video read aloud stories right now! It’s Valentine’s Day storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Hair Lovetitle - Here Comes Valentine Cattitle - How Do Lions Say I Love You?title - I'm Going to Give You A Bear Hug!title - Lovetitle - Love Is My Favorite Thingtitle - Love Makes A Familytitle - Love You, Hug You, Read to You!title - Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatchtitle - Welcome to the Partytitle - With Lots of Lovetitle - You're All My Favorites

Valentine Picture Books to Share with your Favorite Little Crush

Snuggle up and read every day but especially on Valentine’s Day! Here are some sweet picture books with a lot of heart, the biggest “awwww”, and love.

Title - Eleven Words for LoveTitle - All the Beating HeartsTitle - A Unicorn Named Sparkle and the Perfect ValentineTitle - If You Were My Valentine


Sing your heart out to ‘Buddy Like You’ with PAW Patrol!


Grab your favorite Valentine and take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Join author Virginia Loh-Hagan as she reads aloud from her book PoPo’s Lucky Chinese New Year, a story about the traditional customs of the month-long celebration of Lunar New Year. It’s Chinese New Year storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • Who is PoPo?
  • Where did PoPo travel from to come celebrate Chinese New Year?
  • What does PoPo say happens if you wash your hair on New Year’s Day?
  • Would you eat your noodles broken, or whole?
  • What two colors did Po Po use in the directions they made?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Chinese New Year at any of our locations, or check out Chinese New Year e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device. If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on a book cover below to enjoy four more video read alouds featuring stories by Grace LinDemiJi-li Jiang, and Virginia Loh-Hagan. It’s Chinese New Year storytime online, and more! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Chloe's Lunar New Yeartitle - The Empty Pottitle - Ling & Tingtitle - Ling & Tingtitle - Lotus & Feathertitle - PoPo's Lucky Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year Books to Check Out with your Library Card

List Cover Images - Lunar New Year Books for KidsCelebrate Chinese New Year and learn about Chinese culture! Stories about the Zodiac animals, family traditions and the foods that surround the holiday.


Tasty dishes, good luck wishes, Happy Lunar New Year! Join Sesame Street at the Lunar New Year parade and sing along to this exciting Happy Lunar New Year song!


Here are some craft and pretend play ideas to enjoy during your Chinese New Year celebration.

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

When you are on vacation, running errands or just away from home, free video read alouds are a great way to fill what can be hours of waiting into a lot of fun! These are convenient stories for families on the go. View them on a computer, tablet, or phone. If you have a few minutes you have time for a story! The playlist below includes more than 100 video read alouds from old classics like Where the Wild Things Are to newer favorites like Little Jumbo. Featured readers include actors, performers, celebrities, and oftentimes the author themselves. This listening library is available all day every day (and all night!) for returning to old favorites. “Read it again!” has never been easier!

Also, join us for regular episodes of online storytime! Children 3-6 are invited to a virtual Library visit in Indianapolis! Tune in from home to sing along, listen to a story, see new places, and meet amazing people! Sign up for upcoming sessions or watch our archive.

Click on a book cover to hear a story!

title - Abiyoyotitle - Ada Twist, Scientisttitle - All Are Welcometitle - Ambitious Girltitle - Are You My Mother?title - Areli Is A Dreamertitle - Arnie the Doughnuttitle - Arthur's New Puppytitle - Arthur's Pet Businesstitle - As Fast as Words Could Flytitle - Astronaut Annietitle - Baby Brainstitle - Baby Penguins Everywheretitle - A Bad Case of Stripestitle - Balloons Over Broadwaytitle - Be A Makertitle - Beach Day!title - The Bear Ate your Sandwichtitle - Bear Came Alongtitle - Bear Snores ontitle - Bedtime Bonnettitle - Bee Calmtitle - Before John Was A Jazz Gianttitle - Being Franktitle - Big Papa and the Time Machinetitle - Bits & Piecestitle - A Box Full of Kittenstitle - Blank Entrytitle - Bright Eyes, Brown Skintitle - Bright Startitle - Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?title - Carla's Sandwichtitle - Carmela Full of Wishestitle - The Case of the Missing Carrot Caketitle - Charlie the Ranch Dogtitle - Chester's Waytitle - Chicken Soup With Ricetitle - Chicks Rule!title - Blank Entrytitle - Clark the Sharktitle - The Coal Thieftitle - Cock-a-doodle Oops!title - The Crayon Mantitle - Dad and Me in the Morningtitle - Danbi Leads the School Paradetitle - The Day You Begintitle - Don't Let Auntie Mabel Bless the Tabletitle - Blank Entrytitle - Duck! Rabbit!title - Eat Pete!title - Edmund Unravelstitle - Elbow Greasetitle - Emma and Julia Love Ballettitle - The Empty Pottitle - Enemy Pietitle - Bonjour, Butterflytitle - Farmer Ducktitle - Fry Breadtitle - The Fuzzy Ducklingtitle - Game Changerstitle - The Gingerbread Mantitle - The Giving Treetitle - Goldilicioustitle - The Goodbye Booktitle - Goodnight, Daniel Tigertitle - Goodnight, Numberstitle - Grandma's Pursetitle - A Greyhound, A Groundhogtitle - Grumpy Monkey up All Nighttitle - Guji Gujititle - Hair Lovetitle - Happy in Our Skintitle - Harry, the Dirty Dogtitle - Hatch!title - Hello Lighthousetitle - Hello Neighbor!title - Here Comes Teacher Cattitle - Here Comes the Garbage Barge!title - Here We Aretitle - Hey, That's My Monster!title - Hey, Who Made This Mess?title - Hildie Bitterpickles Needs Her Sleeptitle - Hooray for Fish!title - Hoot & Honk Just Can't Sleeptitle - Hoot and Peeptitle - The House That Jane Builttitle - How Do Penguins Play?title - How I Learned Geographytitle - How I Met My Monstertitle - How to Cheer up Dadtitle - How to Get your Teacher Readytitle - The Hula Hoopin' Queentitle - I Am Harriet Tubmantitle - Blank Entrytitle - I Am Peacetitle - I Can Flytitle - I Need My Monstertitle - If I Ran for Presidenttitle - I'm A Ballerina!title - I'm A Trucktitle - I'm Going to Give You A Bear Hug!title - Imani's Moontitle - Blank Entrytitle - It's Okay to Make Mistakestitle - Joan Procter, Dragon Doctortitle - Just Snow Already!title - Kate, Who Tamed the Windtitle - Blank Entrytitle - The Kissing Handtitle - Knots on A Counting Ropetitle - Ladybug Girl at the Beachtitle - Blank Entrytitle - Library Liontitle - Lion Lessonstitle - Little Elliot, Big Citytitle - The Little Engine That Couldtitle - Little Excavatortitle - Little Owl's Snowtitle - Little Treetitle - Llama Llama Mad at Mamatitle - Love You, Hug You, Read to You!title - Llama Llama Loves to Readtitle - Llama Llama Misses Mamatitle - The Loraxtitle - Lost and Found Cattitle - Lost for Wordstitle - Lotus & Feathertitle - Louise Loves Arttitle - Maddi's Fridgetitle - Madelinetitle - Mama's Bellytitle - Maria Had A Little Llamatitle - Marlotitle - Martí's Song for Freedomtitle - Mary Had A Little Glamtitle - Max and Marlatitle - Max and the Won't Go to Bed Showtitle - Max Explains Everythingtitle - May I Pet your Dog?title - Me and My Cat?title - The Mess That We Madetitle - Mice Twicetitle - Milk Goes to Schooltitle - Millions of Catstitle - Miss Maple's Seedstitle - The Mittentitle - Miss Rumphiustitle - Molly of Denalititle - Blank Entrytitle - Monster Needs A Partytitle - A Moon of My Owntitle - Muddy, Mud, Budtitle - My Awesome Summer, by P. Mantistitle - My Brother Charlietitle - My Friend Maggietitle - My Hairtitle - My Rotten Redheaded Older Brothertitle - The Mysteries of the Universe

For more help keeping children hearing and enjoying great stories you can find even MORE Free Video Read Alouds or try IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home. Because reading aloud to kids—even after they know how to read independently—benefits kids of all ages. Video read alouds are a great tool to help create a culture of reading. They don’t replace reading aloud together in-person, but they are a fun alternative and supply key early literacy benefits.

Click on a book cover below to hear a story read aloud! Featured readers include actors, performers, celebrities, and oftentimes the author themselves. This listening library is available all day every day (and all night!) for returning to old favorites. “Read it again!” has never been easier! Don’t miss the first 100 at Free Video Read Alouds or Video Read Alouds for Kids in American Sign Language (ASL). When you are on vacation, running errands or just away from home, read along stories are a great way to fill what can be hours of waiting into a lot of fun! It’s story time online! View these stories on a computer, tablet, or phone. If you have a few minutes you have time for a story!

For more ideas to help keep children hearing and enjoying great stories try our online storytimes to enjoy even more free video read alouds. Because reading aloud to kids—even after they know how to read independently—benefits kids of all ages. Video read alouds are a great tool to help create a culture of reading. They don’t replace reading aloud together in-person, but they are a fun alternative and supply key early literacy benefits.

title - The Night I Followed the Dogtitle - Niño Wrestles the Worldtitle - No, David!title - No Fits, Nilson!title - No Kimchi for Metitle - No Mirrors in My Nana's Housetitle - No More Noisy Nightstitle - Noah's Arktitle - The Not So Quiet Librarytitle - Oh, the Places You'll Go!title - The Oldest Studenttitle - Oliviatitle - Once A Mousetitle - Overground Railroadtitle - Owl Babiestitle - Paolotitle - Pedro Goes Buggytitle - Peg + Cattitle - The Penguin Problemtitle - Peg + Cattitle - Penguintitle - Pete the Cat and His Magic Sunglassestitle - Pete the Cat and the New Guytitle - Peter's Chairtitle - Piper Green and the Fairy Treetitle - Please Please the Beestitle - The Poky Little Puppytitle - Pridetitle - The Princess and the Peatitle - Princess Penelope and the Runaway Kittentitle - Purplicioustitle - Quackensteintitle - R Is for Rockettitle - Radiant Childtitle - The Rainbow Fishtitle - Read the Book, Lemmings!title - Remember to Dream, Eberetitle - Rent Party Jazztitle - Rescue Cattitle - Rocket Says Look Up!title - Rodeo Redtitle - Romeow & Drooliettitle - Scribbles and Inktitle - Seaver the Weavertitle - Sebastian's Roller Skatestitle - Señorita Mariposatitle - Sheep Dog and Sheep Sheeptitle - Silly Suzy Goosetitle - Silverlicioustitle - Sisters Firsttitle - Six Little Chickstitle - Smash! Crash!title - The Snowy Daytitle - So Much Slimetitle - Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatchtitle - Sophie's Masterpiecetitle - The Sound of Silencetitle - Splish, Splash, Splat!title - Star Warstitle - Stellalunatitle - Stone Souptitle - The Straytitle - Strega Nonatitle - The Story of Ferdinandtitle - Sunny Daytitle - Supertrucktitle - The Tale of Peter Rabbittitle - Tawny Scrawny Liontitle - Tea With Olivertitle - Tektitle - Ten Magic Butterfliestitle - Thank You, Mr. Falkertitle - That Is My Dream!title - There Was An Old Dragon Who Swallowed A Knighttitle - There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Flytitle - There's An Alligator Under My Bedtitle - This Way, Charlietitle - The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolftitle - The Three Questionstitle - Too Much Gluetitle - Too Much! Not Enough!title - The True Story of the 3 Little Pigstitle - Uni the Unicorntitle - Velma Gratch & the Way Cool Butterflytitle - The Very Hungry Caterpillartitle - Viva Fridatitle - Waiting for the BiblioBurrotitle - We Are Water Protectorstitle - Welcome to the Partytitle - We're Amazing 1, 2, 3!title - We're Going on A Bear Hunttitle - What Would You Wish For?title - When A Dragon Moves intitle - When Pigasso Met Mootissetitle - When the Cousins Cametitle - Where the Wild Things Aretitle - Where's My Teddy?title - Where's Walrus?title - White Socks Onlytitle - Who Wet My Pants?title - Wild Dogs and Canines!title - Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridgetitle - With Any Luck, I'll Drive A Trucktitle - Wolfie the Bunnytitle - The Word Collectortitle - You Mattertitle - You're All My Favorites

The featured story from our diverse collection of video read-alouds is a delightful performance by the book’s author, Hannah Lee. Her book, My Hair, celebrates the creativity, style, and affection involved in the care and appreciation of hair. As Hannah’s debut book, My Hair marks a joyful exploration of these themes. For more insights, check out a video interview where Hannah discusses her experience writing My Hair and the inspiration behind it.

Explore our collection of stories that celebrate creativity, style, and love across a wide range of topics—from purses and food to friendships and hula hoops! Whether you choose one story or several, you’re in for an enjoyable afternoon. Our listening library is accessible 24/7, allowing you to return to your old favorites anytime. With “Read it again!” being easier than ever, you can dive back into these beloved tales whenever you wish!

Simply click on any book cover to start listening to the story! If you enjoyed these selections, you can discover even more engaging tales at our Free Video Read Alouds collection. Additionally, for more themed reading and activity fun, visit IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home. Here, you’ll find a wide range of resources designed to make storytime both enjoyable and educational from the comfort of your home.

Diverse Video Read Alouds:

title - Abdul's Storytitle - Abiyoyotitle - Ada Twist, Scientisttitle - All Are Welcometitle - As Fast as Words Could Flytitle - Astronaut Annietitle - Be A Makertitle - Big Papa and the Time Machinetitle - Carmela Full of Wishestitle - The Day You Begintitle - Don't Let Auntie Mabel Bless the Tabletitle - Emma and Julia Love Ballettitle - Fresh Juicetitle - Fry Breadtitle - Game Changerstitle - Grandma's Pursetitle - Hair Lovetitle - Happy in Our Skintitle - The Hula Hoopin' Queentitle - Lost and Found Cattitle - Lotus & Feathertitle - Mama's Bellytitle - Maria Had A Little Llamatitle - Mary Had A Little Glamtitle - My Hairtitle - Overground Railroadtitle - No Mirrors in My Nana's Housetitle - Pedro Goes Buggytitle - Peter's Chairtitle - Pridetitle - Radiant Childtitle - Rent Party Jazztitle - Señorita Mariposatitle - The Snowy Daytitle - The Sound of Silencetitle - Waiting for the BiblioBurrotitle - Welcome to the Partytitle - We're Amazing 1, 2, 3!title - When the Cousins Cametitle - White Socks Onlytitle - The Word Collectortitle - You Matter

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

There are several organizations and publishers that regularly share stories on free video read aloud channels. Readers range from celebrities to astronauts to the authors themselves. These channels are a great way to enjoy online storytime if you are unable to join us at the Library. These are tories for families on the go! Listen along to old classics like Where the Wild Things Are or newer favorites like Jabari Jumps. If you have a few minutes you have time for a story! Browse IndyPl’s collection of online storytime.

Barbershop Books

To ensure young children have academically enriching, culturally responsive, and fun reading experiences, Barbershop Books leads weekly online storytime on Facebook and YoutTube.

Brightly Storytime

Listen along as Ms. Linda reads some of your favorite illustrated children’s stories, including The Snowy DayThe Princess and the Pea, and Uni the Unicorn on Brightly Storytime. Bite-sized listening anytime you and your little one have a few minutes to spare for a great story. In addition to the Youtube channel you can watch Brightly stories on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcherSpotify, and Anchor

Storytime from Space

Two libraries of free, family-friendly science videos are Storytime from Space and Science Time from Space. Watch astronauts on the Space Station read books and perform science demonstrations!

KidLit TV

Great Books Read Aloud on Kid Lit TV! Enjoy story time with authors at KLTV HQ! KidLit TV is a winner of the Parents’ Choice Gold Award, the Norton Juster Award for Devotion to Literacy, and one of the American Library Association’s Great Websites For Kids. Also available on Youtube.

Storytime Online

The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s award-winning children’s literacy website, Storyline Online, streams videos featuring actors reading children’s books. Readers include Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening, James Earl Jones, Betty White and dozens more. Each story comes with a printable activity guide.

American Sign Language (ASL) Storytelling

American Sign Language (ASL) Storytelling 20+ signed video read alouds from the Educational Resource Center on Deafness. Stories include the classic favorites: The Snowy DayHeckedy Peg, Is Your Mama a LlamaThe Little Red Hen and more.

Brightly Storytime Flip-Alongs

Watch the pages turn as the story is read aloud on Brightly Storytime Flip-Alongs. Stories include I’m a TruckMy First Counting BookThe Color KittensColors Are Nice, and Madeline. A new story is released every week!

Unite for Literacy

Unite for Literacy is a collection of e-books that celebrate the languages and cultures and cultivate a life-long love of reading. These picture books include audio narration options in more than languages. The books are available on any device – computer, tablet or smartphone.

More free video read aloud channels:

According to the American Society of Deaf Children (ASDC), “Research shows that reading and signing stories together helps promote essential literacy skills for ALL children: deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing.” This page highlights some favorites! Just click on a book cover to enjoy the video read alouds in American Sign Language. To keep up-to-date on new releases and see a more complete listing, The ASDC maintains a running list of signed stories in their ASL Stories Directory. Use it to quickly find stories by a child’s age or by the book’s title. Also, join us for in-person storytimes with ASL interpretation!

In-Person Programs for Kids with ASL Interpretation

Plants and Pollinators…
  • Event: Plants and Pollinators
  • Date & Time: Wednesday, April 02, 11:30am
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Explore the wonders of nature through flowers and bees! Examine plants and bees to understand their anatomy and learn how bees and other pollinators play a crucial role in helping plants reproduce. For kids ages 6-12. *Includes ASL interpretation
  • Register Here
Bilingual Storytime at Lawrenc…
Art Adventures…
  • Event: Art Adventures
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, May 06, 11:00am
  • Location: Central Library
  • Description: Join Jeremy South of Ripple Mobile Arts to explore art inspired by picture books. Children ages 3-6 will learn about crayon resist art and take home a creation of their own! Dress to mess! This program will have ASL interpretation.
  • Register Here

Online Stories that are both Read Aloud and Signed (ASL):

title - Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Daytitle - A Birthday Basket for Tíatitle - Black Is A Rainbow Colortitle - Chester's Waytitle - Click, Clack, Splish, Splashtitle - David Goes to Schooltitle - Un día de nievetitle - The Family Booktitle - Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bedtitle - Good Night, Gorillatitle - Heckedy Pegtitle - Imogene's Antlerstitle - It's Okay to Make Mistakestitle - The Little Red Hentitle - Lola at the Librarytitle - The Snowy Daytitle - La sombrilla grandetitle - Tektitle - Tu mamá es una llama?

Online Stories Signed (ASL) Only:

title - The Book With No Picturestitle - Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?title - Clifford the Firehouse Dogtitle - D.W. Flipstitle - Dinosaur Roar!title - The Duckling Gets A Cookie!?title - Duncan the Story Dragontitle - I Stink!title - I Went Walkingtitle - If You Plant A Seedtitle - Nita's First Signstitle - Planting A Rainbowtitle - Purplicioustitle - There's An Alligator Under My Bedtitle - Where the Wild Things Are

Where to Find More Video Read Alouds in American Sign Language:

Online and @Home Activities:

Learn American Sign Language on ASLdeafined

Learn American Sign Language with video lessons from ASLdeafined. The content is for anyone who wishes to learn ASL, regardless of age. Login with your Library card number and create an account. A mobile app is available for Apple and Android. The login you use for the main site will be the same login for the mobile app.

Sign with Me! Learn Basic Sign Language Together

Learning a second language is not only good for your brain, it also lets you communicate with a new group of people. American Sign Language (ASL) is spoken by around 1,000,000 people in the United States. Introduce your children to the world of signing with the books in this collection.

Title - Can Bears Ski?Title - Hands & HeartsTitle - Baby SigningTitle - The Sound of All ThingsTitle - The Mitten StringTitle - The William Hoy StoryTitle - Friendship GoalsTitle - Moses Sees A Play

Here are some of our favorite books to share with kids in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. You and your child can learn about the history of Thanksgiving and learn about Thanksgiving from an American Indian perspective. Additionally, you can read prayers and songs of gratitude from different religious and cultural traditions, learn to draw iconic Thanksgiving symbols, or laugh out loud at what Thanksgiving dinner might be like for monsters. Garlic is OK for a recipe ingredient, but not eyeballs! Laugh again when you find out what happens when someone (everyone!) forgets to bring their dish to Thanksgiving dinner! Enjoy Thanksgiving storytime online!

Watch the video read aloud below, Turkey Trouble, by Wendi Silvano. Turkey is in trouble! It’s almost Thanksgiving… and he’s the main course! But Turkey has an idea–what if he doesn’t LOOK like a turkey? What if he looks like another animal instead? After many funny attempts, Turkey comes up with the perfect disguise to make this Thanksgiving the best ever!

Are you looking for to help give kids an age appropriate introduction to Thanksgiving history? Try our blog post Talking to Kids About Thanksgiving.


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • Why is this book called “Turkey Trouble”?
  • What do you think it would be like to be a turkey before Thanksgiving?
  • Why did Turkey keep changing his disguises?
  • Did Turkey stay out of trouble?
  • Keep your eyes peeled during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade to see if you can spot a favorite book character! Some character balloons we have seen in the past are Curious George, Snoopy, Paddington Bear & Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid.


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Thanksgiving at any of our locations, or check out Thanksgiving e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on one of the book covers below to listen to more Thanksgiving video read aloud stories right now! It’s Thanksgiving storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Balloons Over Broadwaytitle - Don't Let Auntie Mabel Bless the Tabletitle - Thanksgiving Is for Giving Thankstitle - Turkey Trouble

Books by Indigenous Authors for Young Children

Learning about other cultures helps young children develop a better sense of themselves and the world around them. The books in this list are written by Indigenous authors, providing a look inside the traditions and values of their communities.

Title - First LaughTitle - Fry BreadTitle - We Are Water ProtectorsTitle - Bowwow Powwow

Picture Books for Kids by and about American Indians

A guide to some of the best picture books by and about American Indians recommended by The American Indian Library Association, American Indians in Children’s Literature (AICL), or

Title - Powwow DayTitle - Just Like GrandmaTitle - If You Lived During the Plimoth ThanksgivingTitle - My Powerful HairTitle - Autumn Peltier, Water WarriorTitle - The Secret PocketTitle - KeepunumukTitle - Heart Berry Bling

Even Vampires Celebrate Fangsgiving!

Enjoy these favorite and new Thanksgiving picture books that cover the early history to turkey dinner to the gratitude of what it is to celebrate “plenty.” Also laugh out loud at some silly stories starring picture book friends – even vampires celebrate Fangsgiving!

Title - GrandmaTitle - Around the Table That Grandad BuiltTitle - KeepunumukTitle - Bad Kitty Does Not Like Thanksgiving


Enjoy this song together about being thankful from Raffi. Thanks for the sun in the sky…thanks for the clouds so high!


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Try Skiping. Can you gallop! Or do the turkey gobble with Elmo and Abby!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

A long, cold December night is a great time to share favorite Christmas stories! There are many holiday classics to choose from to get your family into the holiday spirit. You can listen to a video read aloud of the favorite, Llama Llama Holiday Drama, by Anna Dewdney, right now! More free video read alouds are listed below along with printable activities and Christmas favorites you can check out with your IndyPL library card. It’s Christmas storytime online! Have a wonderful holiday!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What does your family like to do during the holidays? Which thing is your favorite?
  • Does the llama on the cover look happy? Sad? Worried?
  • Have you ever had to wait a long time for something you were excited about? Was it hard to wait? Were there any things that you did to help pass the time?
  • Would you rather go to a quiet holiday event or a noisy and crowded holiday event?
  • Why is llama happy at the end of the story?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Christmas at any of our locations, or cheeck out Christmas e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device. If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Christmas video read aloud stories right now! It’s Christmas storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Charlie and the Christmas Kittytitle - A Christmas Wish for Corduroytitle - Clark the Shark Loves Christmastitle - Goodnight, Mangertitle - Ho Ho Homeworktitle - How the Grinch Stole Christmastitle - Llama Llama Holiday Dramatitle - Memoirs of An Elftitle - Merry Christmas From the Very Hungry Caterpillartitle - Merry Christmas, Mr. Mousetitle - The Nutcracker in Harlemtitle - Merry Christmas, Splattitle - Peppermint Posttitle - Merry Pinkmas!title - There's An Elf in your Booktitle - When Santa Came to Stay

Favorite, Classic & New Christmas Stories for Kids

List Cover Images - Favorite, Classic & New Christmas Stories for KidsThere are many holiday favorites to get your family in the holiday spirit from illustrated versions of the Bible to stories about family traditions to the silly antics of favorite book characters celebrating the holiday in their own unique way. Can Bad Kitty even get on Santa’s nice list? There are 25+ in all. That oughta last ya!


Sing along with Abby, Elmo, a horse, and even some snowballs!


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Instead of “Simon Says” play “Santa Says.” Practice the names of body parts and left and right.

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Hanukkah in Alaska, by Barbara Brown and winner of the 2014 Sydney Taylor Book Award, is the story of what Hanukkah is like for a little girl living during a long, cold Alaskan winter. For her, daylight only lasts for five hours each day and she doesn’t have squirrels or rabbits in her backyard, she has a moose! Can she convince the moose to leave her trees and swing alone by sharing a Hanukkah treat? You can listen to Hanukkah in Alaska right now, read aloud by Molly Ephraim. Enjoy Hanukkah storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What animals do you think live in Alaska?
  • Why do people in Alaska have to look out for moose? What should they do if they come across one?
  • There is only five hours of daylight in Alaska in the winter. Would you like it to be dark that much?
  • What do they call everywhere else that is not Alaska?
  • What does the moose do in the backyard?
  • What things does she try to get the moose to leave?
  • What holiday is the family celebrating?
  • What do they see up in the sky?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Hanukkah at any of our locations, or check out Hanukkah e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Hanukkah video read aloud stories right now! It’s Hanukkah storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - All-of-a-kind Family Hanukkahtitle - Antlers With Candlestitle - Biscuit's Hanukkahtitle - Meet the Latkes

Stories for Hanukkah to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - 8 Nights of Bedtime Stories for HanukkahHere are 50+ wonderful Hanukkah stories – so many you can read more than one each night! These selections come from The Sydney Taylor Book Award that recognizes the best Jewish children’s books each year, as well as the PJ Library, and the Association of Jewish Libraries.


Join Robert and the Theatre Troupe at the Miami Children’s Museum to learn about Hanukkah traditions, “the festival of lights”, and the dreidel – then sing along with them to celebrate!


Find some crayons or makers to color a picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Make a glowing pathway to lead visitors to your Menorah, build a Lego dreidel and play a game with your friends or family, or make this DIY Menorah Craft Using Cardboard.

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

The Snowy Day, published in 1962, has been a wintertime favorite for more than 50 years. It is the story of a small boy exploring his neighborhood on a snowy day. The story captures all the wonderful things experienced with all five senses when we wake up to a snow-covered morning. In the city, in the country, on a school day, or a snow day-off day, fresh snow is a thrilling experience! You can listen right now to this animated version of The Snow Day expertly and wonderfully read aloud by composer, poet, and artist, Napoleon Maddox. You can learn more about this storytime classic in A Poem for Peter: the Story of Ezra Jack Keats and the Creation of the Snow Day. Enjoy winter storytime online!


After listening to the winter storytime online, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • When Peter went out into the snow, what were some of the things he did to have fun?
  • What happened to the snowball that Peter put in his pocket to save for the next day?
  • When Peter went to sleep, what did he dream? Did his dream come true?
  • If there was a snow storm here, what would you like to do?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about winter at any of our locations, or check out winter e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more winter video read aloud stories right now! It’s winter storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Just Snow Already!title - Baby Penguins Everywheretitle - Blank Entrytitle - Henry Holton Takes the Icetitle - Hoot and Peeptitle - Blank Entrytitle - Little Owl's Snowtitle - Max and Marlatitle - The Mittentitle - The Night Before the Snow Daytitle - Snow Much Fun!title - The Snowy Day

It’s Cold, But It’s Snow Much Fun! Winter Favorites for Kids to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - ItIt’s true, there’s no day like a snow day! Go out and play, and then cuddle up with some hot chocolate and a stack of these favorite winter tales.


Enjoy this sing along from Laurie Berkner. Use her pattern to make a monster mask to sing and play along! “I’m the biggest monster that you’ve every seen! My eyes are yellow and my teeth are green!”


Find some crayons or makers to color a picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a winter walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Try skiping. Can you gallop? Or explore the IndyPL Pinterest Board: Winter – lots of ideas for crafts and activities!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Here are fun stories to help calm some typical Halloween fears….with laughing! You can listen to them right now. In Zombies Don’t Eat VeggiesMo is a zombie who loves to garden, growing his own vegetables. He also likes to cook and eat them. Mo’s parents insist that he needs to eat better for his zombie health. He needs to eat things like “finger” foods…and they don’t mean snacks! They tell Mo, “zombies don’t eat veggies!” but Mo IS a zombie and HE eats veggies. Listen along as Mo tries to convince his parents to give veggies a try. Enjoy Halloween storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What was Mo’s deepest, darkest secret?
  • What are some of the things Mo did NOT want to eat?
  • When Mo’s mom and dad tried his soup, what did they think of it?
  • What is the name of the dance Mo did?
  • What kinds of vegetables do you like?
  • Have you every tried something new that you thought you wouldn’t like…but discovered it was delicious?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about the Halloween at any of our locations, or check out Halloween e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Halloween video read aloud stories right now! Keep the laughs coming by listening to Goodnight Goon, a parody of the childhood classic Goodnight Moon in which a child says goodnight to all of the things in his bedroom. In this Halloween version, a young monster says goodnight to all the things in his tomb…hairy claws and jaws and a pot full of goo and a werewolf hollering, “boo!” It’s Halloween storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Treetitle - Georgietitle - Goodnight Goontitle - Blank Entrytitle - Hey, That's My Monster!title - How to Make Friends With A Ghosttitle - I Need My Monstertitle - Vlad the Radtitle - Zombies Don't Eat Veggiestitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entry

Join Ms. Linda from Brightly Storytime and six different authors for video storytime to celebrate spooky season! Download a printable activities pack.

Books to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card to Turn Halloween Fear into Halloween Fun!

List Cover Images - Books to Turn Halloween Fear into Halloween Fun!Many small children don’t find Halloween fun at all! The masks, the jumping out surprises and all the ghosts, vampires & scary looking pumpkins can be too many surprises for little trick-or-treaters. Here are several stories that can help kids manage their Halloween fears. If Arthur & Scaredy Squirrel can do it, so can your child!


Enjoy this sing along from Laurie Berkner. Use her pattern to make a monster mask to sing and play along! “I’m the biggest monster that you’ve every seen! My eyes are yellow and my teeth are green!”


Find some crayons or makers to color a picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Try these outdoor games to play on Halloween from the National Wildlife Federation or these active Halloween games to play from Playworks. For fun in the kitchen try Babymouse’s Monstrous Monster Mash printable cupcakes recipe or these Magic Treehouse printable Halloween recipes.

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

In Binny’s Diwali by Thrity Umrigar, Binny’s class is learning about different holidays. It is Binny’s turn to share, and she is planning to talk about Diwali, a festival of lights Binny’s Hindu family celebrates. When it is Binny’s time to speak…she can’t! She is so nervous she can’t remember what she wanted to say! Everyone laughs and stares, but Binny manages to find her words anyway! She talks about diyas and jalebis and pedas. Do you know what those are? Watch this video to listen to the story and learn about Diwali, just like the kids in Binny’s class. After watching the video you can learn more from Binny’s printable learning sheet, The Diwali Story. Enjoy Diwali storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What did Binny have for breakfast instead of cereal on her special day?
  • What advice did Mr. Boomer give Binny to help her relax?
  • How many days do people celebrate Diwali?
  • Can you think of another holiday when kids are allowed to carry sparklers?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about Diwali at any of our locations, or check out Diwali e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device. If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Diwali video read aloud stories right now! It’s Diwali storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - It's Diwali!title - Lilu's Bright Diwali

Help kids celebrate/learn about Diwali – The Festival of Lights.

Diwali is the five-day Festival of Lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. Diwali, which for some also coincides with harvest and new year celebrations, is a festival of new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. It is the most important holiday of the year for the millions who celebrate it. The dates change every year, but it usually falls between mid-October to mid-November. If you are interested in learning more about it, here are just a few of many books that you can share.

Title - ItTitle - Diwali Lights Read-alongTitle - BinnyTitle - Shubh Diwali!Title - Celebrate DiwaliTitle - Archie Celebrates DiwaliTitle - Diwali in My New HomeTitle - Amma, Tell Me About Diwali!


Sing along with The Let’s Go Club to find out all about Diwali.


Find some crayons or makers to color a Diwali picture or find Diwali words.


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Spend an enjoyable afternoon learning how to Make Your Own Diwali Candle or Make Diya Streamers.

Watch this video to see children crafting paper lanterns to celebrate the Hindu Festival of Lights called Diwali and then Make Your Own Diwali Lantern.

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

In The King of Kindergarten, a little boy’s parents encourage him and fill him with confidence in the time leading up to his first day of school. He can be the King of it, even if he doesn’t know everything yet! “It sounds like a lot, but you’re the King of Kindergarten. Piece. Of. Cake.” This joyful attitude about how to welcome new experiences helps him have a great first day of kindergarten! The parents in The King of Kindergarten help by passing on the excitement of learning and the perspective that even if something is difficult at first – there will be a classroom of friends and a teacher to learn with. Learning will be fun! You can listen to The King of Kindergarten right now, read by Alvin Irby from Barbershop Books. Its starting school storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What did the boy eat for breakfast? What is your favorite breakfast?
  • What did the boy in the story do that was very brave?
  • How was the boy going to get to school?
  • What did the father use to measure how tall the boy was?


Another great idea to get ready for the first day of school is reading books about other kids and favorite characters who are ALSO worried about the first day of school. Stories featuring the Berenstain Bears, Amelia Bedelia, Curious George and more can help your child practice what it might feel like to be anxious about school and learn great strategies for having fun instead!

Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about starting school at any of our locations, or check out e-books and audiobooks about starting school from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for both e-books and audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more video read aloud stories about starting school right now! It’s starting school storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Blank Entrytitle - How to Be Kind in Kindergartentitle - Kindergarten, Here I Come!title - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entrytitle - Blank Entry

Kindergarten Jitters – More Books to Check Out

Starting school for the first time can be scary or overwhelming! Covering topics from leaving parents and siblings at home, to riding the school bus, to meeting new classmates and eating lunch in the cafeteria, these picture books help new students understand what to expect on their first day, and teach them to cope with nervousness or anxiety.

Title - LenaTitle - Butterflies on the First Day of SchoolTitle - Mr. OuchyTitle - It


This sing-a-long will help you get excited to go to school! Watch Marshall, Skye, Chase, Blaze, Shimmer and Shine, Molly, Gil, Bot, and Geo reimagined as fuzzy felt friends singing about school.


Here are nine classic preschool games your new student is bound to play at school. Give them a heads up by pre-playing some of these crowd pleasers together!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Kids love dogs. Our librarians do too! When asked which book dogs are their favorite for storytime, Harry the Dirty Dog and Bark, George won by a landslide! Harry is the story of a pooch who doesn’t want to take a bath. George is about a puppy whose mother can’t seem to teach him how to bark. “Meow,” says George! Watch the video of Betty White reading Harry the Dirty Dog right now! It’s Dog storytime online!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What does Harry look like?
  • What does Harry do to avoid taking a bath?
  • Why does Harry decide to leave home?
  • What did Harry do to show his family who he was?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about dogs at any of our locations, or check out Dog e-books and audiobooks from Overdrive Kids right to your device. If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use it for e-books and alearn how to use it for audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more video read aloud stories starring dogs right now! It’s dog storytime online! Did you like these? You can find even more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and IndyPL’s DIY Storytimes at Home.

title - Charlie the Ranch Dogtitle - Blank Entrytitle - Dog's Colorful Daytitle - A Greyhound, A Groundhogtitle - Hot Dogtitle - The Night I Followed the Dogtitle - The Poky Little Puppytitle - R Is for Rockettitle - Some Dogs Do

Picture Books for Kids in Puppy Love to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - IndyPL Librarian Picks: Picture Books for Kids in Puppy LoveKids love dogs. Our librarians do too! When asked which book dogs are their favorite for story time, Harry the Dirty Dog and Bark, George won by a landslide! Here are some suggestions from them for little readers who can’t get enough puppy love. E-books and downloadable audiobooks are available.


Are you ready for a PAW Patrol sing along? PAW patrol is on a roll with this compilation of PAW Patrol nursery rhymes!


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Set up an outdoor hunt, but instead of Easter eggs, hunt for dog bones! Or, instead of “Simon Says” play “The Dog Trainer Says” so kids can sit, bark, stay, and fetch – just like their favorite dog storybook characters!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Naming the letters of the alphabet and knowing the sounds each letter makes is a critical pre-reading skill. Did you know that singing the alphabet song and books that say things like “a is for apple” are only the beginning? There are several picture books that make practicing the alphabet fun! One of them is R is for Rocket, by Tad Hills. Listen along with Tad as Rocket the dog, Bella the squirrel, Owl, and other friends read about alphabet letters and the sounds they make. From acorns to angry alligators, it’s alphabet storytime online, you can listen along right now!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • What are the names of some of Rocket’s friends?
  • What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? Think of a word that starts with that letter and draw a picture of it.
  • R is for Rocket. Make a list of all the words you can think of that begin with the letter “R.”


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out books about the alphabet at any of our locations, or check out alphabet e-books and audiobooks from OverDrive Kids right to your device! If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use e-books and learn how to use audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more alphabet video read aloud stories right now! It’s alphabet storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - K Is for Kindnesstitle - ABC Pridetitle - Animalphabettitle - Chicka Chicka Boom Boomtitle - Blank Entrytitle - R Is for Rocket

Extraordinary Alphabet Stories to Check Out with your IndyPL Library Card

List Cover Images - Extraordinary Alphabet StoriesThese are not your average alphabet books. Behold the best picture books to spin entire stories out of the ABCs. Check out the charming and clever narratives! Marvel at the magnificent manifestations of metafiction! There’s fun for kids of all ages in these pages.



Sing the ABC’s with Little i and all of his friends!


Find some crayons or markers to color a picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. Or Skip. Or gallop!

Dance along to Usher’s ABC Song. This alphabet song will have you on your feet and moving your body!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.
  • Event: Storytime at Michigan Road
  • Date & Time: Tuesday, March 25, 10:30am
  • Location: Michigan Road Branch
  • Description: Preschoolers, toddlers, and their caregivers are invited for stories, fingerplays, crafts and activities. No registration is required.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.

Dr. Seuss characters and their stories have consistently been storytime favorites for kids all over the world. Snuggle up and listen to this video reading of the Seuss classic, The Lorax, read by Miss Linda from Brightly Storytime.  The Lorax is a timely fable about what happens when greed overtakes respect for nature. Several more stories you can enjoy online follow, it’s Dr. Seuss Online Storytime!


After listening to the story, talk about some of the things that happened in it.

  • Who does the Lorax say he speak for? “I speak for …”
  • What were some of the animals that lived in the Truffula tree forest?
  • Do you remember what the Once-ler make with the Truffula tufts?
  • Picture in your mind a place you know that has trees, like your school’s playground, or a park, or your backyard. What would it look like if all the trees were cut down? What would you miss if the trees were gone?
  • What problems did the thneed factory cause?
  • What does the Once-ler give at the end of the story? Why did he give it?


Use your indyPL Library Card to check out Dr. Seuss books at any of our locations, or check out Dr. Seuss e-books and audiobooks from Overdrive Kids right to your device. If you have never used OverDrive before, you can learn how to use e-books and learn how to use audiobooks.

Click on the book covers below to listen to more Dr. Seuss video read aloud stories right now! It’s Dr. Seuss storytime online! Did you like these? You can find more stories at Free Video Read Alouds and enjoy even more themed reading and activity fun at IndyPL’s DIY Online Storytimes at Home.

title - Dr. Seuss's ABCtitle - The Cat in the Hattitle - Blank Entrytitle - Dr. Seuss's Spooky Thingstitle - Hop on Poptitle - Horton Hears A Who!title - How the Grinch Stole Christmastitle - The Loraxtitle - Oh, the Places You'll Go!title - One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fishtitle - Yertle The Turtle, And Other Stories

A Dozen Classics for a Dr. Seuss Rainy Day (or any day!) Marathon

“The sun did not shine, it was too wet to play, so we sat in the house all that cold, cold wet day.” Turn those frowns upside down with one of these sure winners from the king of zany rhyming. Available as e-books and e-audiobooks.

Title - The Cat in the HatTitle - Green Eggs and HamTitle - Happy Birthday to You!Title - Horton Hatches the Egg


Enjoy this sing along from Seussville’s YouTube channel. Is your tongue quick? Is your tongue slick? Now here’s as easy game to play, here’s an easy thing to say! Can you do it?


Find a pencil or pen, some crayons or markers to color a school picture, practice writing the letters, or see if you can follow your way through a maze without getting stuck.


Take a walk and read a story as you go! We invite you to visit StoryWalk® in Ruckle Street Park at 3025 Ruckle Street. Stroll through the park and read a book displayed in mounted frames. You can even skip or gallop! Or plan a Dr. Seuss Field Day with outdoor sports, activities, and games straight out of Dr. Seuss’s books!

Join Us for In-Person Storytime!

  • Event: Storytime at Lawrence – Pajama Storytime!
  • Date & Time: Monday, March 24, 6:30pm
  • Location: Lawrence Branch
  • Description: Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us for stories, songs, and fun. Stay after stories are finished for some literacy activities and play time.
  • No Registration Required.

Need Help?

Ask a Library staff member at any of our locations or call, text, or email Ask-a-Librarian. The Tinker Station helpline at (317) 275-4500 is also available. It is staffed by device experts who can answer questions about how to read, watch and listen on a PC, tablet or phone.